Scaled resolution for NES?

Hi people, for the Sega Genesis Integer Scale I’m getting an image of 1280x960 on a 1080p monitor, which I think is the correct one. But for NES I get an image of 1172x896. Should´t it be 1194x896??

Is there a guide for perfect resolutions?

Thank you!

“perfect” aspect ratio is a contentious topic. There are some threads on the forum that go into custom viewports based on ideal dot-clock ratios, etc. and you’re obviously welcome to go down that rabbit-hole but we just stretch to 4:3 for simplicity (yes it’s wrong, but it’s wrong in a way that’s simple and consistent). For NES, overscan-cropping enabled with the aspect ratio setting set to 5:4 is apparently pretty close to what’s visible on a CRT TV.

Thanks for your reply. I´m using the Nestopia core and the “Core provided” aspect ratio setting. Is that 5:4? or should i change it?

core-provided is 4:3 by default. If you’re using config overrides, you can load up some content with the nestopia core, go into the menu and navigate to settings > video and change the aspect from core-provided to 5:4 and then go back into the quick menu and save a core config override and it will snap to 5:4 any time you use nestopia from that point on.

Thanks for your reply. I´m using the Nestopia core and the “Core provided” aspect ratio setting. Is that 5:4? or should i change it?

I got a config per core. The bottom line is that i get a shimmering effect on horizontal scrolling no matter the aspect ratio I use. I test it using the 240pee.nes rom. “Hill zone scroll test” Shimmering effect on the background at the 3 first speeds, not on the 4th one. Is that normal?

Horizontal (or vertical, for that matter) shimmering shouldn’t occur as long as you’re using integer scaling. If you want to use non-integer scales, you’ll need to use either bilinear filtering or one of the shaders that anti-aliases pixels at fractional scale factors (for example, pixellate, AANN or sharp-bilinear).

I’ve experimented with this and every aspect ratio + integer scaling seems to produce uneven pixels This pixel ratio is correct for my 1080p monitor look at the chessboard patterns on the walls.

1:1 PAR and integer scaling should produce even, square pixels in both axes all the time.

The current version of Nestopia defaults to using a pixel aspect ratio based on region, 8:7 PAR for NTSC and 1.3862:1 PAR for PAL. The “preferred aspect ratio” core option can be changed to force a specific PAR or use 4:3 DAR that was originally used before.