Scanlines without Integer scale (best solution)

For past 2 days i’m using crt-pi shader on my 5" android handheld. I really like it for it’s performance based, but without integer scale it’s impossible to get proper scanlines without artefacts especialy with curvature=on(and i really like that effect). And as i’m using it on a small screen and every millimeter of game space is important, so i decided to just turn scanlines off. And now I’m looking for a way to add scanlines. I’m also using overlays with bezels and opacity is around 75-85.

So, what’s the best solution to add scanlines?

On that small of a screen, adding a scanline overlay (you’ll have to copy/paste them into the overlay you’re already using for the bezel) that doesn’t match up with the pixels is the easiest solution. This looks horrible on big screens but is typically acceptable on smaller screeens, esp when paired with linear scaling.

Other than that, crt-easymode looks pretty decent at non-integer scales.

Simple copy/past and transformation give me this result:

I take 720p version from here: Working scanline overlays, aperture grill 5x overlay

Bezel resolution is 2560x1440.

Scale is 960x720

Separately they are shown correctly

I’d better ask the author In the relevant thread

Got it!