Scanning Problem

i am using Retro Arch Nightly 2016-09-28_RetroArch, and I am unable to use the Scan Directory function. if I use Scan Directory no games are found, but if I do Scan File then it works fine. I am using the No-Intro roms, and each game is in a zip file. What’s strange is I have installed RetroArch my friend’s Mac and the Scan Directory works fine there. Only differences between our two machines is his is a Mac laptop and the files are stored on the hard drive where as my computer is a Windows 10 desktop and the roms are stored on a local server and the server is mapped to a drive. If any other information can help troubleshoot this please let me know.

i have a pc laptop, and i have noticed sometimes with my files, mame in specific, they wont show up, but i scan the folder anyways and it finds them.

I’ve tried scanning multiple times with no success. Its also not console specific. I’ve tried all of the from the Atari 2600 through the Nintendo 64 and they don’t show up.

Try loading up the core and looking in core information and make sure the the files types are compatible? Do they boot up when you run it under load content and detect core?

I’ve tried having the core loaded as well but still no luck when scanning. the roms do boot up when I load content and when I Scan File. I also tested the same roms on windows 10 laptop today with the same roms and the scanning worked fine. Looks like the issue is scanning mapped network drives.

I recently ran into something like this. I’m not certain which file required the update, but once I updated Autoconfig Profiles and the Databases under Online Updater, the files populated in the playlist files after re-scanning the directory.

Just tried and RetroArch still won’t scan the roms. I’m going to assume scanning network locations is just not working since all my test with the roms being local scan fine.

wish i was more familiar with this issue. iv had a few issues with scanning dreamcast games, and i had luck once i tried scanning the 2nd folder in the path.

It’s alright. I’ll just scan individual files as I wan to play them. I’m sure eventually it will get sorted out and then I can scan the rest.

Just wanted to state that the scanning issue still exists with the new 1.4.1 version. Figured I’d note that I am using the 64 bit version of RetroArch and all the roms I have tried are in zip files. Scanning the files individually works, but trying to scan the directory does nothing. just says “Scanning of directory finished” but nothing gets added. This still only affects files stored on a local server. Files stored on the same machine as RetroArch scanned just fine when scanning the directory.

Edit: Just loaded a game manually and after it was played when I went t scan the directory the 1 game that I just played was found but nothing else.

Hi all, I’m still running into the same issue: RetroArch 1.4.1 for windows 64 bit, it’s not able to scan a directory with zip files only. The “scan file” is working instead.

After reverted back to retroarch 1.3.6 i was able again to scan my directories.

It seems that doesn’t try at all to scan zip files, because even in directories with more than 600 files it finishes after one second.

Thank you for your great work! =)

Do you have any cores that can load zips? I’m not sure if this is the same issue, but I know there’s something about needing to have such a core in your list before it will scan zip files. So, if you don’t already have it, try downloading the FBA core and then re-scan.

Thank you for the suggestion hunterk. I downloaded the fba core and now the scanning is working fine. It is a bit odd though. I have been using the Glupen64, Genesis Plus, MGBA and Nestopia cores which can load the games from the archive when I use the Browse Archive option. I’m guessing these cores don’t actually support loading the archive itself and RetroArch is open the archive and giving the contect to the core to load?

It’s looking for a core that can load zip files directly; that is, without decompressing them first. I don’t know the mechanism that’s causing it, it’s just a weird bug. Hopefully, it’ll get squashed at some point /shrug

Thank for your response, but yes, i have all needed cores and none can load zip files. I have done all initialization things: updated database, cores, core infos, autoconfig profiles’

This happens only with 1.4.1 stable (win64) and only for zip files; unzipped rom files work. But if i copy the retroarch 1.3.6 files from the archive over the version 1.4.1, the directory scan works again with zip files also.

I think that the problem is that this version does not look at zip files while scanning directories, because it terminates too quickly (few seconds, even in directories with hundreds of rom). The problem is not the zip format itself, because if i open a single zip file works. But it’s no more possible to build playlists from skratch, using the scan directory feature, if the roms are in the zip format.

Hope this could be helpful… thank you.

Thank you hunterk, i confirm that after downloading the fb alpha core now retroarch scans zip files!

Try to remove all the cores and then run a scan zipped rom pack folder

Hello, I use “bsnes Accuracy” (which RetroArch Version of bsnes would you recommend? ), if I use “Scan Directory” not all Roms will be added to the “Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System” selection. I must Scan those with “Scan File” all seperately and can only start them unter the “history” selection.

How can I fix this.

Thanks, hf

bsnes accuracy is fine, though there’s not much reason to run it over the balanced core (just one game needs it to function, and it’s a crummy game).

Are you sure your ROMs are all from a recent No-Intro set? If they have the file extension *.smc, they’re not going to scan properly.

Can i change the roms so that the scan works ? And why can i scan them seperately, this works.

But so they will not added to the “Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System” selection