I’m having a problem getting the Naomi game, Azumanga Puzzle Bobble to run on my Android phone. Everytime I try and load the .lst file, Retroarch stops and crashes. Here is a link to some pictures of what I have in my system/dc folder: http://imgur.com/a/rdbi6YH
From top to bottom- 1st pic- is my basic system/dc 2nd and 3rd pics- are what is in my data folder 4th pic- are my roms or games 5th pic- this one is weird and I winder if this is the mistake. It goes, Naomi/Azumanga Daioh/Naomi/Azumanga Daioh. Then the files in the picture.
Also, I opened the .lst file in a text editor, and it had this written as a value: Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble “azumanga.bin”, 0x0000000, 0x05000000
The other .lst file, Dolphin Blue, starts up just fine and on my PC on Demul, Azumanga runs fine as well. Just not on my Android devices. I have also tried the reicast app instead of the core in retroarch.
Any help will be appreciated!