Selectively disable OSD?

I’ve remapped my NES buttons for NEStopia, so that that retropad Y is B, and retropad B is A. It’s more comfortable on the thumb. However, it’s kind of annoying that I get an OSD for every single game that a ‘Core remap file’ was loaded. It’s a pointless notification. I know it was loaded, I’m the one that configured it.

And I know you can turn off OSD altogether, but I don’t want that, because I still want the OSD to exist for other stuff - for example, I have my hotkey set to select, and left analog cycles cheats, and left analog click toggles cheats on and off. If I turn off the OSD, I no longer see any of that.

So, is there a way to turn off the OSD notification, just for the core remaps?

nope, that would require putting hooks into every single command that leverages the OSD and then exposing those options through the GUI. What one user considers extraneous another considers vital.

I get what you’re saying, but in terms of extraneous, an OSD that displays every single time a game is loaded is very extraneous. Please consider making a toggle, just for that one OSD. You don’t need to do them all, in fact, I can’t think of a single one, other than that one, that isn’t useful in some way. This one is useful at first, until you’ve decided on a core remap that you plan on using indefinitely. I will never change that remap, and it this point, the OSD is pointless and annoying.

I see your point.

What about a single toggle to disable all startup messages? Overrides loaded, remaps loaded, controller configured; anything else that always pops up when launching RA or content.

Yes! I like that.

Well how about it, guys? That seems reasonable. A way to implement it could be a toggle to turn off the OSD on a timer (like the first 5 seconds after a game is loaded), then it would turn back on. That way you wouldn’t have to expose every single instance of the OSD, it would just be a universal ‘shut off everything at startup’.

Again, the OSD is very useful, but for someone who has everything working the way they want it, and is ready to move on to playing some games, having to see a bunch of pointless (because at this point, you already know) notifications at the beginning of every game is annoying.

Do you understand where I’m coming from with this? Is this doable?

I made a feature request on git for it:

I don’t have any coding skill to do it myself, but I don’t think it’d be too hard to implement if a dev gets interested.

Awesome. Hopefully it can become a feature.