Side-by-side shader

I want to suggest a new feature:

A cardboard google for VR,

this will be very nice in the virtual boy emulation which already support 3D glasses (blue,red).

this is already implemented in ppsspp, At least open this feature in options core for ppsspp…

What do you think ?

Also supported in fpse:

There’s already a side-by-side shader that does pretty much that. It’s not fancy and doesn’t do actual 3D (there’s a shitty faux 3D effect built-in that uses brightness to emulate depth), but if the goal is just to have the same image go to each eye, it succeeds there.

What is the name of the shader ?



I will test it later…

Note: that shader was made without any access to a VR headset, so if you have any issues with it, open up a new thread and I’ll try to iron out any bugs/kinks.

it doesn’t look good, the two images are overlapped and not separated,

Also the all image is distorted like viewing through bad lens,

it looks good using the PPSSPP emulator…

I based it on screenshots from oculus rift, which is why I added the lens distortion.

Try this crazy mess:

// GLSL shader autogenerated by
#if defined(VERTEX)

#if __VERSION__ >= 130
#define COMPAT_VARYING out
#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture
#define COMPAT_VARYING varying 
#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute 
#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D

#ifdef GL_ES
#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump
COMPAT_VARYING     float _frame_rotation;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec4 _color2;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 VARcosangle;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 VARsinangle;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec3 VARstretch;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 _texCoord1;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec4 _color1;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec4 _position1;
struct out_vertex {
    vec4 _position1;
    vec4 _color1;
    vec2 _texCoord1;
    vec3 VARstretch;
    vec2 VARsinangle;
    vec2 VARcosangle;
struct output_dummy {
    vec4 _color2;
struct input_dummy {
    vec2 _video_size;
    vec2 _texture_size;
    vec2 _output_dummy_size;
    float _frame_count;
    float _frame_direction;
    float _frame_rotation;
out_vertex _ret_0;
float _TMP9;
vec2 _TMP8;
vec2 _TMP7;
float _TMP22;
float _TMP21;
float _TMP20;
float _TMP19;
float _TMP18;
float _TMP17;
float _TMP26;
vec2 _TMP6;
vec2 _TMP5;
float _TMP16;
float _TMP15;
float _TMP14;
float _TMP27;
float _TMP13;
float _TMP12;
float _TMP11;
float _TMP10;
float _TMP25;
float _TMP24;
float _TMP23;
float _TMP4;
float _TMP3;
float _TMP2;
float _TMP1;
vec4 _r0034;
vec2 _c0048;
vec2 _lo0048;
vec2 _hi0048;
vec2 _TMP300048;
float _c0050;
vec2 _xy0050;
vec2 _point0050;
vec2 _tang0050;
vec2 _poc0050;
float _A0050;
float _B0050;
float _C0050;
float _a0050;
vec2 _uv0050;
float _r0050;
float _A0052;
float _B0052;
float _C0052;
float _a0058;
float _a0068;
float _negate0072;
float _x0072;
float _ret0072;
float _a0076;
float _a0080;
float _a0084;
vec2 _uv0086;
float _r0086;
float _x0086;
float _D0086;
float _a0098;
float _a0100;
vec2 _uv0104;
float _r0104;
float _x0104;
float _D0104;
float _a0116;
float _a0118;
vec2 _uv0122;
float _r0122;
float _x0122;
float _D0122;
float _a0134;
float _a0136;
vec2 _uv0140;
float _r0140;
float _x0140;
float _D0140;
float _a0152;
float _a0154;
float _a0158;
float _b0158;
COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord;
uniform mat4 MVPMatrix;
uniform int FrameDirection;
uniform int FrameCount;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;
void main()
    out_vertex _OUT;
    _r0034 = VertexCoord.x*MVPMatrix[0];
    _r0034 = _r0034 + VertexCoord.y*MVPMatrix[1];
    _r0034 = _r0034 + VertexCoord.z*MVPMatrix[2];
    _r0034 = _r0034 + VertexCoord.w*MVPMatrix[3];
    _OUT._texCoord1 = TexCoord.xy*vec2( 2.50000000E+00, 1.54999995E+00) - vec2( 5.00000007E-02, 1.19999997E-01);
    _TMP1 = sin(0.00000000E+00);
    _TMP2 = sin(0.00000000E+00);
    _OUT.VARsinangle = vec2(_TMP1, _TMP2);
    _TMP3 = cos(0.00000000E+00);
    _TMP4 = cos(0.00000000E+00);
    _OUT.VARcosangle = vec2(_TMP3, _TMP4);
    _xy0050 = (-5.50000012E-01*_OUT.VARsinangle)/(1.00000000E+00 + 9.16666687E-02*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y);
    _TMP23 = dot(_xy0050, _xy0050);
    _A0052 = _TMP23 + 3.60000000E+01;
    _TMP24 = dot(_xy0050, _OUT.VARsinangle);
    _B0052 = 2.00000000E+00*(5.50000012E-01*(_TMP24 - 6.00000000E+00*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y) - 3.60000000E+01);
    _C0052 = 3.60000000E+01 + 6.60000038E+00*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y;
    _a0058 = _B0052*_B0052 - 4.00000000E+00*_A0052*_C0052;
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_a0058);
    _TMP25 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _c0050 = (-_B0052 - _TMP25)/(2.00000000E+00*_A0052);
    _point0050 = vec2(_c0050, _c0050)*_xy0050;
    _point0050 = _point0050 - vec2( -5.50000012E-01, -5.50000012E-01)*_OUT.VARsinangle;
    _point0050 = _point0050/vec2( 5.50000012E-01, 5.50000012E-01);
    _tang0050 = _OUT.VARsinangle/_OUT.VARcosangle;
    _poc0050 = _point0050/_OUT.VARcosangle;
    _TMP10 = dot(_tang0050, _tang0050);
    _A0050 = _TMP10 + 1.00000000E+00;
    _TMP11 = dot(_poc0050, _tang0050);
    _B0050 = -2.00000000E+00*_TMP11;
    _TMP12 = dot(_poc0050, _poc0050);
    _C0050 = _TMP12 - 1.00000000E+00;
    _a0068 = _B0050*_B0050 - 4.00000000E+00*_A0050*_C0050;
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_a0068);
    _TMP13 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _a0050 = (-_B0050 + _TMP13)/(2.00000000E+00*_A0050);
    _uv0050 = (_point0050 - _a0050*_OUT.VARsinangle)/_OUT.VARcosangle;
    _negate0072 = float((_a0050 < 0.00000000E+00));
    _x0072 = abs(_a0050);
    _ret0072 = -1.87292993E-02*_x0072;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072 + 7.42610022E-02;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072*_x0072;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072 - 2.12114394E-01;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072*_x0072;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072 + 1.57072902E+00;
    _a0076 = 1.00000000E+00 - _x0072;
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_a0076);
    _TMP27 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072*_TMP27;
    _ret0072 = _ret0072 - 2.00000000E+00*_negate0072*_ret0072;
    _TMP14 = _negate0072*3.14159298E+00 + _ret0072;
    _a0080 = 5.50000012E-01*_TMP14;
    _TMP15 = abs(_a0080);
    _r0050 = max(_TMP15, 9.99999975E-06);
    _a0084 = _r0050/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP16 = sin(_a0084);
    _c0048 = (_uv0050*_r0050)/_TMP16;
    _uv0086 = vec2(-5.00000000E-01, _c0048.y);
    _TMP17 = dot(_uv0086, _uv0086);
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_TMP17);
    _TMP18 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _TMP19 = abs(_TMP18);
    _r0086 = max(_TMP19, 9.99999975E-06);
    _a0098 = _r0086/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP20 = sin(_a0098);
    _uv0086 = _uv0086*(_TMP20/_r0086);
    _a0100 = _r0086/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP21 = cos(_a0100);
    _x0086 = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP21;
    _TMP22 = dot(_uv0086, _OUT.VARsinangle);
    _D0086 = 1.09090910E+01 + _x0086*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y + _TMP22;
    _TMP5 = (6.00000000E+00*(_uv0086*_OUT.VARcosangle - _x0086*_OUT.VARsinangle))/_D0086;
    _uv0104 = vec2(_c0048.x, -5.00000000E-01);
    _TMP17 = dot(_uv0104, _uv0104);
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_TMP17);
    _TMP18 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _TMP19 = abs(_TMP18);
    _r0104 = max(_TMP19, 9.99999975E-06);
    _a0116 = _r0104/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP20 = sin(_a0116);
    _uv0104 = _uv0104*(_TMP20/_r0104);
    _a0118 = _r0104/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP21 = cos(_a0118);
    _x0104 = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP21;
    _TMP22 = dot(_uv0104, _OUT.VARsinangle);
    _D0104 = 1.09090910E+01 + _x0104*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y + _TMP22;
    _TMP6 = (6.00000000E+00*(_uv0104*_OUT.VARcosangle - _x0104*_OUT.VARsinangle))/_D0104;
    _lo0048 = vec2(_TMP5.x, _TMP6.y);
    _uv0122 = vec2(5.00000000E-01, _c0048.y);
    _TMP17 = dot(_uv0122, _uv0122);
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_TMP17);
    _TMP18 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _TMP19 = abs(_TMP18);
    _r0122 = max(_TMP19, 9.99999975E-06);
    _a0134 = _r0122/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP20 = sin(_a0134);
    _uv0122 = _uv0122*(_TMP20/_r0122);
    _a0136 = _r0122/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP21 = cos(_a0136);
    _x0122 = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP21;
    _TMP22 = dot(_uv0122, _OUT.VARsinangle);
    _D0122 = 1.09090910E+01 + _x0122*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y + _TMP22;
    _TMP7 = (6.00000000E+00*(_uv0122*_OUT.VARcosangle - _x0122*_OUT.VARsinangle))/_D0122;
    _uv0140 = vec2(_c0048.x, 5.00000000E-01);
    _TMP17 = dot(_uv0140, _uv0140);
    _TMP26 = inversesqrt(_TMP17);
    _TMP18 = 1.00000000E+00/_TMP26;
    _TMP19 = abs(_TMP18);
    _r0140 = max(_TMP19, 9.99999975E-06);
    _a0152 = _r0140/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP20 = sin(_a0152);
    _uv0140 = _uv0140*(_TMP20/_r0140);
    _a0154 = _r0140/5.50000012E-01;
    _TMP21 = cos(_a0154);
    _x0140 = 1.00000000E+00 - _TMP21;
    _TMP22 = dot(_uv0140, _OUT.VARsinangle);
    _D0140 = 1.09090910E+01 + _x0140*_OUT.VARcosangle.x*_OUT.VARcosangle.y + _TMP22;
    _TMP8 = (6.00000000E+00*(_uv0140*_OUT.VARcosangle - _x0140*_OUT.VARsinangle))/_D0140;
    _hi0048 = vec2(_TMP7.x, _TMP8.y);
    _a0158 = _hi0048.x - _lo0048.x;
    _b0158 = _hi0048.y - _lo0048.y;
    _TMP9 = max(_a0158, _b0158);
    _TMP300048 = (_hi0048 + _lo0048)*5.00000000E-01;
    _OUT.VARstretch = vec3(_TMP300048.x, _TMP300048.y, _TMP9);
    _ret_0._position1 = _r0034;
    _ret_0._color1 = COLOR;
    _ret_0._texCoord1 = _OUT._texCoord1;
    VARstretch = _OUT.VARstretch;
    VARsinangle = _OUT.VARsinangle;
    VARcosangle = _OUT.VARcosangle;
    gl_Position = _r0034;
    COL0 = COLOR;
    TEX0.xy = _OUT._texCoord1;
    COL0 = _ret_0._color1;
    TEX0.xy = _ret_0._texCoord1;
#elif defined(FRAGMENT)

#if __VERSION__ >= 130
#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture
out vec4 FragColor;
#define COMPAT_VARYING varying
#define FragColor gl_FragColor
#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D

#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;
#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump
COMPAT_VARYING     float _frame_rotation;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec4 _color1;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 _cosangle;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 _sinangle;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec3 _stretch;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec2 _texCoord1;
COMPAT_VARYING     vec4 _color;
struct out_vertex {
    vec4 _color;
    vec2 _texCoord1;
    vec3 _stretch;
    vec2 _sinangle;
    vec2 _cosangle;
struct output_dummy {
    vec4 _color1;
struct input_dummy {
    vec2 _video_size;
    vec2 _texture_size;
    vec2 _output_dummy_size;
    float _frame_count;
    float _frame_direction;
    float _frame_rotation;
vec4 _TMP6;
vec4 _TMP4;
vec4 _TMP2;
vec4 _TMP0;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
input_dummy _IN1;
vec3 _r0017;
vec3 _r0021;
vec3 _r0027;
vec3 _r0033;
uniform vec3 _RGB_to_YIQ[3];
uniform int FrameDirection;
uniform int FrameCount;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize;
uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize;
void main()
    vec2 _xy2;
    vec4 _leftimage;
    vec4 _leftoffset;
    vec4 _rightimage;
    vec4 _rightoffset;
    vec4 _left;
    vec4 _right;
    output_dummy _OUT;
    _TMP0 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, TEX0.xy);
    _r0017 = _TMP0.x*_RGB_to_YIQ[0];
    _r0017 = _r0017 + _TMP0.y*_RGB_to_YIQ[1];
    _r0017 = _r0017 + _TMP0.z*_RGB_to_YIQ[2];
    _xy2 = TEX0.xy - vec2(3.27679993E+02/TextureSize.x, 0.00000000E+00);
    _TMP2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _xy2);
    _r0021 = _TMP2.x*_RGB_to_YIQ[0];
    _r0021 = _r0021 + _TMP2.y*_RGB_to_YIQ[1];
    _r0021 = _r0021 + _TMP2.z*_RGB_to_YIQ[2];
    _TMP4 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, TEX0.xy);
    _leftimage = vec4(_TMP4.x, _TMP4.y, _TMP4.z, _r0017.x);
    _leftoffset = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, TEX0.xy);
    _r0027 = _leftoffset.x*_RGB_to_YIQ[0];
    _r0027 = _r0027 + _leftoffset.y*_RGB_to_YIQ[1];
    _r0027 = _r0027 + _leftoffset.z*_RGB_to_YIQ[2];
    _leftoffset.w = _r0027.x;
    _TMP6 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _xy2);
    _rightimage = vec4(_TMP6.x, _TMP6.y, _TMP6.z, _r0021.x);
    _rightoffset = COMPAT_TEXTURE(Texture, _xy2);
    _r0033 = _rightoffset.x*_RGB_to_YIQ[0];
    _r0033 = _r0033 + _rightoffset.y*_RGB_to_YIQ[1];
    _r0033 = _r0033 + _rightoffset.z*_RGB_to_YIQ[2];
    _rightoffset.w = _r0033.x;
    _left = _leftimage + _r0027.x*(_leftoffset - _leftimage);
    _right = _rightimage + _r0033.x*(_rightoffset - _rightimage);
    _OUT._color1 = _left + _right;
    FragColor = _OUT._color1;

It disables the pincushion effect and the fake 3D and just scoots the image apart to mimic the fpse shot.

I copy paste the shader and tested on my PC and I can only see ONE picture, instead of TWO side by side…

Ok, are you testing on desktop PC or Android?

If on PC (Windows/Linux/Mac), use the Cg version and then adjust the runtime parameters until it looks right. You can disable the pincushion and fake 3D effects and move the 2 images around all while it’s running.

If Android, that version should work. It worked fine on my Linux PC but my Windows machine hates GLSL shaders and always crashes for some reason, probably a result of the AMD driver’s crummy OpenGL support.

Is it having any sort of effect? If not, you probably made a mistake copy/pasting the shader. Here’s a downloadable version you can try instead:

i can’t use my pc . can you please send a link to an apk file with this shader ? this phone is not root and i cant copy the shader…

when I used it on the pc it didnt effect the image at all…

Ok, try this one:

can’t install the apk . tested on two phones…

Hmm. All I did was add the shader to the APK (zip) archive, so dunno what would be amiss.

Anyway, you could set your shader directory to somewhere you have write permissions to, such as on your SD card or whatever, and put the shader there.

I managed to run the shader and it works on mame but only on horizontal games. vertcal games have one image distorted… stella didnt work… I used an old ra version from the store… what about shader parameters ?

I will test it tomorrow with the cardboard…

Shader parameters only work on PC with Cg shaders, unfortunately. The values need to be hardcoded before converting to GLSL.

It looks very nice with the cardboard, like a big screen just in front of you !!!

I tested it with mame using berzerk game, as I said only part of the games work (I think there is a problem with the vertical games),

And it need some fine tuning for size & position…

But it looks great !!!

Do you know why part of the games have artifacts glitches ???

Thanks for your help !!!

We should continue and improve this…