Silent Hill graphic glitches on Beetly HW

White alpha channel and some “motion blur” artifact on loading screen. That is kinda strange because this problems were resolved almost year ago

"Mask-bit Possibly the most difficult feature of the PSX GPU is the mask-bit. The alpha bit in VRAM is considered a “read-only” bit if mask bit testing is enabled and the read-only bit is set. This affects rendering primitives as well as copies from CPU and VRAM-to-VRAM blits.

Especially mask-bit emulation + semi-transparency creates a really difficult blending scenario which I haven’t found a way to do correctly with fixed function (but that won’t stop us in Vulkan). Correctly emulating mask-bit lets us render Silent Hill correctly. The trees have transparent quads around them without it."


I had this same issue occur when I was using the OpenGL renderer of Beetle-HW. It is bugged in the opengl renderer. You can either use software or Vulkan renderer and it should be fixed. Also make sure the driver is set to vulkan if you are using the vulkan renderer (you have to restart RA).

Also the motion blur on loading screen is normal I think. Maybe OpenGL isn’t doing it properly but it seems fine on Vulkan/software.

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