Slackware Retroarch

how to run retroarch on the slackware ?

i know its not ported for it but

RA can be compiled for Slack, can be started, after run core it crash to desktop

error message is > bad acces to memory {neopravneny pristup do pameti out of root}

looks like Gnome sys error , i dont have special Slackware Gnome bundle

looks like require librarie deps , i em slackwareist visit my actual system here >

can somebody tell me requirements of retroarch or lakka ?

i can build lakka embryo in my slackware but dont know all packages

It should be okay. I don’t know of any reason why it shouldn’t work. Can you try running it through gdb to get a backtrace of the crash?

i have translated slackware to czech language

message is >

“neopravneny pristup do pameti”

its sysfault segmentation fault

looks like gnome libraries and in slackware gnome not direct exist

i have ability to run retroarch xmb and move in games by gamepad

after press middle menu button it crash freeze

after i run some cores, games it crash to terminal with that message

are you compiling retroarch? or using some sort of installer? in any case it probably is missing/incompatible libs? if you are compiling, you should see what are missing when you ran ./configure, else, i think you really should try to compile it yourself instead of using installers(no idea if slackware have some sort of repository for apps though).

my retroarch is compiled for slackware by configure make make install prefix , can be run to xmb , can be move gamepad and start item , cannot be press middle menu button makes freeze , cannot be run some cores , crash to terminal with error segfault sysfault typicaly looks like as gnome group library error , gnome is not in slackware only dropline , install some library help fix all problems , my ask is for complete dependency list of libs for build lakka libre elec version , i have to create libre elec lakka embryo in slackware , slackware is build manualy out of autopackagers , only ffmepeg and sdl2 is not enoguht

retroarch dont have any installer

If you’re wanting to use it within Slackware, we do have a FlatPak and an AppImage release.

FlatPak and an AppImage release install retroarch binary to system and icon to desktop , create folder structure

my ask is for deps , dependencies , linux slackware dependencies