SMS screen shifted to the right

Hey Guys, I am having a bit of a problem with setting up the Sega Master System. Everything else is working as it should be it seems that there is roughly a 1 inch black border on the left of the screen (Between the bezel and the game screen. Everything is shifted to the right) I am using the latest build of RetroArch and using the genesis plus gx core. I have also tried the fusion emulator on its own with the same result. Any ideas? I am using a 42" TV as well. if that makes any difference.

No takers?

I think that’s just the overscan the original system has. I remember someone saying even on a CRT it’s noticeable.

I don’t think this is the overscan of the system… the original overscan borders is in the top/bottom of the screen not in the sides… are you using retroarch for Windows, right? is the same happening in a actual monitor instead of a TV? Now, I remember the Genesis Plus GX core has core options to turn on/off the borders but I doubt this is related but you can give also a chance.

I had a problem with the screen being on one half of the monitor, I believe that was when I used the RGB video filter. Not sure if it’s the same problem you are dealing with or not.

I guess it’s not overscan, but an 8 pixel wide bar on the left of the screen is something the real console does. It’s black in some games and the color of the background in others. There’s an in depth explanation on why it’s there here:

Yeah you guys beat me to it, i was going to say i’m pretty sure this is normal master system behaviour.

Thanks for clearing that up. That is exactly what it is. Now I can stop trying to fix it :p. Thanks guys!!