So is no one ever going to address the PS3 port of 1.3 being broken?

90% of the cores don’t work. No one on the RA team has said anything since it was released.

Should we all just assume RA for the PS3 is dead as of (the last working release, 2 years ago)

Try contributing instead of just complaining. All you have done for years is just bitch about things and not lifting a finger (even accusing me of things when honestly I have never met you and don’t even know who you are beyond you being some presence here on the forums who for some reason always has to be negative).

I am not a one-man charity event. I care A LOT and I CARE about getting it to work again, but this is work. Hard work that costs time and money, and other things take priority right now.

More hands translates into lighter work, anybody could potentially contribute. If you don’t care to do that then you just make yourself dependent on people who have to do this work for you.

Open-source projects should not be mistaken as ‘beg and harass one main dev to do all the work and get into a hissy fit when something no longer works’. It’s open source projects for a REASON, participation matters. I am stretched thin such that you could barely believe. I have requested TIME AND TIME AND TIME AGAIN for contributors but nobody does a damn thing on these consoles. So - other things take priority.

I have contributed bugfixes to the Prosystem core, and I have reported dozens of bugs with the other cores and the API’s malfunctioning on the PS3 port. , not complaining, but reporting - THIS IS CONTRIBUTING. This is the limit of my ability, as I am not an ARM coder, not a well-versed PS3 Dev, and I don’t’ know enough about the PS3’s system architecture to contribute more than minor patches to the Prosystem core, which I am familiar with from the PSP port.

As for begging and complaining - 1.3 was released two months ago. This question has been asked Once. One other thread, that went completely unanswered. 90% of the cores in the PS3 port don’t work, at all. For two months, no one has said a peep about it. A few people here, including myself asked what was going on, if there were fixes coming - and instead of getting a straight or honest answer - we get this. You getting all mad and blaming everyone else.

If you’re not up to looking at it because you don’t have time - that’s understandable. But be honest about it. People would probably be less frustrated if they got a simple response.

I realize the whole thing is damned if you do, and damned if you don’t, but as much as the PS3 scene appreciates trying to release 1.3 for the PS3 - it was clearly not tested by anyone, because it’s completely broken. You have hundreds of people in the PS3 scene who are willing to help or contribute if we knew what you needed, or what to look for in terms of what broke between and 1.3. It’s probably something small and fairly simple. But I wouldn’t even begin to know where to look - and neither does anyone else.

> But I wouldn’t even begin to know where to look - and neither does anyone else.

First step there is coming onto our IRC channel (freenode, #retroarch) so you can get help with setting up your dev environment. However, be warned that you need to at least have a modicum of C experience in case we actually want to make some progress.

I don’t know whatever happened on our forums with regards to any response. Hunterk does not code on PS3. There is only one guy who does, me. That’s all there is. Truth is, I stretch myself too thin, I worked my ass off last year rebuilding RetroArch from the ground up to make sure it was future-ready, and some of the platforms like PS3 broke down in the process, and now we have to fix up a few of the things taht broke down. This is awful, awful work, and it would really motivate me more if I had some more people to participate with this.

Ok - I would love to get some help with that. I don’t have a proper PS3 compile environment set up, so I can’t compile and test. I have a working PSP compile environment, where I worked with ZX-81 on all his PSP ports of these old emulators. but PSP is much simpler architecture, and that was in C++

I know I need the PS3dev kit that is semi-illegal, and I downloaded that a while ago - but I don’t know what else I need, or in what order/paths things need to be installed.

I can help set you up.

Honestly, people have me pegged wrong. I am totally willing to help and tutor people who genuinely care and have some modicum of ability to help. So yeah, if you can come on IRC I’d be willing to help you get set up.

Ok, Will do. It’s been a while since I used IRC as well, so I will have to get that working again. What’s the iRC channel #?

I’m at work now, so it might be a while before I can jump in there

#retroarch, on Freenode.

If I may make a suggestion.

Underball, once he teaches you what is needed to get setup for PS3, maybe you could write a guide on what was needed and the steps you took to get the dev environment up. Then anyone else interested in helping could have an easier entry point as well.

Didn’t see anybody on IRC since the last time somebody posted in here, almost an entire month ago.

So I guess it proves me right not to put too much time and energy into the PS3 port anymore.

Oh man that is sad news… First off I want to thank you for your hard work Twinaphex! It’s hard to work on something alone. I wish I had the skill sets to help you. I had to do some searching to find you (as dumb as that seems) I made this account just to say thank you for all you have accomplished with the PS3 RA! I know a lot of people love you work but don’t know how to say thanks. If you stop know I totally understand and still appreciate everything to bring back those warm 90s memories of games we love. If you continue on it will be amazing too! Don’t like people boss you around. There are the silent users out there who think you do magic and are always grateful to have anything.

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RetroArch PS3 is still pretty much alive. This was probably a post said in frustration a few years ago, it no longer reflects current-day reality.

But yes, we did have to fix it up pretty much ourselves, we didn’t have anybody to help us with it.

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