[Solved] How come there no MESS 0.188 for the RetroArch?

I want play these games. These aren’t in the older MESS builds. Also MAME 0.188 doesn’t have MESS 0.188 in it.

hh_sm510.cpp is the driver.

Im not sure on specific games but afaik all of MESS systems are combined into MAME now.

Maybe there was a regression in comapibility of those games probable have to check the mamedev site for the change log see if they are marked as non-working

We also have our own Game and Watch core, which is quite nice.

Are you sure? I tried to load those on the Android RetroArch MAME 0.188. All crashes. Works fine on the Windows version of MAME.

hunterk I rather use MAME and MESS to play those. Some of those handheld games are dumped. More are getting dumped. The dumps plays like the real thing.

Can anyone see these drivers on the Android RetroArch MAME 0.188 please? gnw_dm53, gnw_ml102 and gnw_mw56.

Ok I checked MAME.rdb and there is no MESS games listed. Just all MAME games only. That explain why MESS games crashes.

Maybe they forgot to update the MAME.rdb.

I got the MESS part working on MAME while back.

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Hi guys,

First of all sorry for beeing such a noob, failing to find a solution on my own, not finding the answer on the forum by myself, and finally upping this thread because I was not able to open a new one :frowning:

But… I need some help : I’m just trying to run Mickey and Donald on Retroarch (I’m failing on both Windows and Android, but my main aim is Android)

The support for this game was added in Mame 0.188 but not working (missing background image) and game was working since 0.190

3 different rom name exists gnwmndon.zip, gnw_dm53.zip and gnw_mickdon.zip.

Reading this thread and also Is there anyway I can build MESS 0.188 for RetroArch? it seems like things have been fixed and the game is working… but I can’t make it work : either loading content doesn’t find anything or retroarch crashes and exits.

I’ve even tried the latest builds (retroarch and cores) from the nightly builds but the result is the same

Could anyone help me figuring this out (wich core, which rom file should I use, and maybe a step by step if I’m just going the wrong way) ?
