Hi there! AS a new member I’m unable to open up a new topic, but I’m desperate.
I have been using Retroarch for PS1 games, however so far the pattern I’ve been suffering from is the Euro versions work fine, until a level or two later and then I just get stuck with this image:
This seems to only happen with the Euro ones as when I play the US releases it appears to be perfectly fine. Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be? I have all the different Bios needed and I am stumped…
Edit: Decided to add a bit more info to help. Both games are MediEvil. The first one I had to re-play the US version since the Eu version gave me the above error after I arrived at the Mausalium (3rd level I believe?) and with the second game it appears to be doing this on the second. Not certain why this could be and hopefully might give you a better idea of what I might be dealing with.
Current version of Retroarch 1.6.7 64x with many of the basic settings.
@DukeJP pointed out as a suggestion that skipping the intro was the portential cause for why it wasn’t working.