Hey guys, I wanted a clean fresh start with RetroArch because I was experiencing some issues with some games. So I uninstalled RetroArch:
- sudo apt remove --purge retroarch
- sudo apt autoremove
- sudo rm -r ~/.config/retroarch
After a reboot, I installed RetroArch from the PPA (and later again from the Testing PPA) and when I started it for the first time, I immediately noticed that it was on the XMB menu. I thought the default was Ozone now, and it’s also the menu I get when I do a fresh install on Windows. So that confused me, but okay.
More oddly, when I download Assets using the Online Updater, nothing happens. I’m used to the RetroArch window quickly refreshing, but this doesn’t happen and the fonts aren’t loaded either:
Oddly enough, the icons seem fine.
I also noticed that the default directory for Assets is /usr/share/libretro/assets, which is completely wild. Why? This directory is not writeable by normal users, only root. And yet, I find an “assets” and an “info” directory in there.
I guess I’m kind of out of the loop about how RetroArch works, I haven’t completely reinstalled it in a while. Can anybody let me know what’s the correct way to proceed from here?