Some newbie-questions

Hello everybody,

first of all, thank you very, very much for this great app!

Is there a way to give you some donation?

I use RetroArch/Mupen64Plus on a jailbroken iPad 2 Mini with iOS 8.4, to play my favorite Nintendo 64-games from the good old days!

Is it possible to play the games with the highest resolution and on fullscreen?

Is it also possible to stretch the game-screen all over the display and not just on the upper side, without to rotate the iPad?

Many thank in advance!

Best regards from Germany,


[QUOTE=Ollibolli;41917]Hello everybody,

first of all, thank you very, very much for this great app!

Is there a way to give you some donation?

I use RetroArch/Mupen64Plus on a jailbroken iPad 2 Mini with iOS 8.4, to play my favorite Nintendo 64-games from the good old days!

Is it possible to play the games with the highest resolution and on fullscreen?

Is it also possible to stretch the game-screen all over the display and not just on the upper side, without to rotate the iPad?

Many thank in Best regards from Germany,


Just adjust screen on settings, changing aspect ratio to custom. N64 changes aspect ratio between games, for example on Mario Party you can have fullscreen in menu, but in gampelay it will shrink leaving blackspaces. But in other game like ConkerBadFurDay the screen is complete. I dont know why this happens.

Thank you very much for your answer!

What is also the best Shader etc., to make the Nintendo 64-games look the best?

[QUOTE=Ollibolli;41982]Thank you very much for your answer!

What is also the best Shader etc., to make the Nintendo 64-games look the best?[/QUOTE]

Being honest with you, i have never used shaders, so, no idea. You welcome.


How can i reset all the changed settings in RetroArch?