Sonic 2 level select stuck on black screen on Genesis Plus GX

I followed this guide on Sonic Retro to port the Sonic 2 level select to Sonic 1. When I press the necessary button combination, it loads as intended when using the Picodrive core, but when using the Genesis Plus GX core, it just gets indefinitely stuck on a black screen. I want to use Genesis Plus GX as Picodrive has several audio emulation inaccuracies, most noticeably with the sound for the goal plates at the end of the first and second acts of each zone, which sounds completely different on Picodrive than how it does when using Genesis Plus GX (where it sounds exactly like what it’s supposed to sound like), and because I want to inject this modified Sonic 1 ROM onto a 3DS, where BlastEm is sadly unavailable for some reason. Why does that happen, and is there any way to fix it?