Split android cores

I’ve spent the last 3-4 hours trying to compile my own android “split” cores in order to get each console with it’s own shades and overlay. I just couldn’t get it to work. I was essentially trying to do what was done here I Compiled Some Split Cores but for Android instead of Windows.

Could someone maybe compile Gambatte for Gameboy and Gameboy color separately for me? I’d also really appreciate it if Genesis Plus GX could be separated out into master system, game gear and genesis.

Or alternatively could someone walk me through how to compile my own cores? I’m on OSX. I tried following what was written https://wiki.libretro.com/index.php?title=RetroArch_Compilation in both the Android and OSX section but couldn’t get it to work.

Sorry if this is extremely basic stuff.

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Have you seen https://buildbot.libretro.com/docs/compilation/osx/ ?

Although it may not have any new info.

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I tried and failed also.

What problem are you trying to overcome with the split cores?

I have not seen that. I may give it another go a little later tonight! Thank you.

If I make any progress I’ll post the files here for everyone to use :slight_smile:

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I’m trying to get a different overlay for every game system. Unfortunately some cores like Genesis Plus GX got more than 1 game system they run. I could potentially do this by saving different settings for each game but this is a long daunting task that is a lot of work for little gain.

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If you find areas of the compilation docs I linked that need updating or could be improved, I am pretty sure you will be welcome to submit changes.

Well if you get stuck you can batch make game override configs that get loaded on the game.

Not ideal but is possible with some manual labour.

I need to do it myself so could work with you on it

I would submit updates to the docs but couldnt get it to work so pointless

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Turns out I’ve been able to get the split cores working! I didn’t have my android ndk folder set in terminal so none of my compile commands would run (probably butchered the explanation)

Anyways, I split Gambatte into two separate cores one for game boy and one for game boy color. I also made a master system and game gear core for the genesis plus gx core. I didn’t bother messing with the file types the systems could accept but for my little android handheld they work fine. If you’re using some kind of frontend this probably won’t bother you.

If you want to use these, here’s the link: https://mega.nz/#!8y4DzDwR!rV0x6VyYYZfz4qE9u2MbbF2AtdFkk_niIbNx9oACwyU

Copy the contents of the info folder to: root directory/data/data/.com.retroarch/info Copy the contents of the cores folder to: root directory/data/data/.com.retroarch/cores

That’s all you need to get this up and running :smiley:


thank you, I hope it will work on the shield tv