Steam Controller not recognised

Hi all,

Apologies if this has been asked before. I’ve trawled a few threads though and don’t seem to be able to find any solution to my problem.

I’m running Windows 10 anniversary edition and have a Steam Controller. When firing up Retroarch though, I don’t seem to be able to get the damn thing recognised. Retroarch simply doesn’t seem to see it. I’ve tried multiple USB ports (both dongle and wired), uninstalled/reinstalled the device drivers, and tried various configs.

I have the controller set to ‘Gamepad’ config in Steam Big Picture mode:

But all I see in the Driver and Input menus in Retroarch is this:

I’m not sure if it’s relevant, but Windows seems to detect the Steam Controller as a keyboard rather than a gamepad?

Anecdotal evidence around the Internet suggests that I should be able to get this working, but I can’t figure it out for the life of me.

Does anybody have any ideas where I might be going wrong before I give up?


If it shows up a keyboard, you should be able to map it in settings > input > p1 binds > bind all. If that’s giving you trouble, you can try using this xinput wrapper:


I’ve tried binding the controls before but the controller inputs aren’t recognised at each step. The counter just ticks down as if I’m not pressing anything.

Will look at the wrapper. What confuses me is that there are people out there reporting that it ‘just works’.

Have you tried using it with different input drivers in RetroArch? That is, instead of dinput?

The only other options are ‘sdl2’ and ‘null’, I’ve tried each but the situation remains the same. No yellow text on launch to indicate successful detection and neither is the pad detected when trying to bind inputs.

In Windows, you should have xinput as an option. If you don’t, try downloading a nightly from and replace your installation’s retroarch.exe and retroarch_debug.exe with the ones from the nightly (make backups of your mostly-working versions first, just to be safe).

I have xinput as a joypad driver, but there’s no such option for input driver. It’s the same after replacing with the .exe’s from the 17/08 nightly.

Not to worry, appreciate your input.