Stretched screens when using RGB/Composite/Svideo filter in an emulator


Everything is in the title. :slight_smile:

When playing a Sega Genesis game, I go into ā€œcore optionsā€, then select Blarggā€™s filter RGB/Composite/Svideo, but the screen get stretcg automatically. If I disabled it, no more stretching. I really love this filter, but donā€™t know how to fix this strecth effect.

By the way, where can I add the default path for roms in ā€œsettings>directoryā€? Not sure which path I need to change to be honestā€¦

Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry for my English.

Hmm. No change here. Can you post a screenshot?

Better. A movie!

My roms extensions are not .zip or .rar or .7zip, but original .gen, donā€™t know if it helps.

Yeah, thatā€™s a pretty convincing video. I just tried to reproduce it here but got no stretching, so there must be something up with your settings.

First off, whatā€™s your aspect ratio setting? Mineā€™s ā€˜core-providedā€™.

In setting > Video > Aspect Ration Index is ā€œconfigā€.

Iā€™m not 100% sure iā€™m looking at the right place. Didnā€™t find the ā€œcore-providedā€ option.

Thatā€™s in ā€œaspect ratio indexā€, just 2 steps under your selection in your screenshot. Try it on ā€œCore providedā€.

edit: didnā€™t read that right, you saw that settingā€¦ canā€™t you see core provided when you move left and right?

Yes, I can see it, and it fix the aspect issue! Thanks a lot for your help. By default, itā€™s on ā€œconfigā€, but when ā€œcore providedā€ is on, no more problem. Thanks a lot.

Can I ask you another question? Donā€™t know if I have to create a new topic or not, but feel free to not answer if you prefer that I create a new thread.

I love the GB shader, the one who simulate the yellow-pixel screen as the original GB. I know how to launch it and it works perfectly. But when Iā€™m launching another core, the shader stay on the screen. Iā€™m pretty sure I have something to do with ā€œconfiguration per coreā€ ON, but it didnā€™t work. Do I have to do ā€œsave new configurationā€ each time? Or ā€œlaunch configurationā€ each time?

I would like to be able to configure each core separately. If iā€™m launching a GB game, the shader will automatically display. If iā€™m lauching a SNES game, the shader wonā€™t display. Donā€™t know if iā€™m clear in my explanationā€¦ Anyway, thanks for your help.

Iā€™m using per-core config for that and thatā€™s working. Perhaps some of your settings clash with each other.

Mine, in Settings>Configuration are: Save config on exit ā€” ON Config Per-Core ------ ON Load Override Files - OFF LOAD Remap --------- OFF

Or you can go a different way with Override files (disable Per-Core Config then) like explained here.