Suggestion for Retroarch : add personal notes for games

Hi there. I hope this is the right place for this.

I was thinking about an option that could be useful to Retroarch: the possibility to add personal notes on a game in the pause menu. Steam added this feature past year for example.

It’s quite useful for some games like Metroid for example where you’d like to write notes about stuff you find, or important things you should remember.

As far as I’m concerned, I thought about this after loading a ten years old save for Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance on Gamecube. For those who didn’t play it, the game request a personal “kode” to load your player profile and your progression. It’s a code you have to enter using A / B / X / Y / L / R. There are not a lot of combinations, but ten years later, I had a hard time to remember it.

An option to take notes per game would have been helpful, I suppose.

Maybe it has been discussed before, if so, sorry, I didn’t find the related thread.