Switch to disk 2 (not switch sides, but actual disk) with Nintendo FDS

There are a handful of FDS games that have 2 disks. I know of no way to get this working in any emulator. Can this be done?

For reference, Bodycon Quest I: Abakareshi Musume Tachi (Japan) (Disk 1) (Unl) (Translated En) asks you to insert disk 2 side A as soon as you enter your name. I can switch sides, but I can’t switch disks.

You can get the translation patch over at ROMhacking.net if you care to try it.

you actually can change disks in fceumm core, aside from changing sides. its just that 1st disk is labeled Disk 0 in fceu, 2nd disk as Disk 1 etc. just keep on pressing switch hotkey (L1 default) while disk is ejected(R1)

its confusing if you are using Nestopia core though, since there is no onscreen display to show what disk or side you are currently on. L/R key on nestopia automatically ejects and inserts next side of the disk, if its already on side b, then it changes to next disk on side a.

You’re awesome wertz, thank you!

I’m having difficulties on my end. It’s just changing sides on Disk 0, and not switching to the 2nd disk. Is there something special I need to do to make it see the 2nd disk?

Edit: I’m loading a file named “BodyConQuest I - Abakareshi Musume Tachi (Japan) (Unl) (Translated En) (Disk 1)” using the 'Load Content" menu.

When the game asks me to change disks, I then try ejecting the disk, and changing sides, but it doesn’t change to the 2nd disk. The 2nd disk file name is “BodyConQuest I - Abakareshi Musume Tachi (Japan) (Unl) (Translated En) (Disk 2).”

Yeah I’m baffled on how you got that to work, wertz. I tried putting both .fds files into one zip archive. That didn’t work. I tried creating and loading an m3u file. That didn’t work. I tried using RetroArch’s built in ‘next disk’ hotkeys. That didn’t work. I tried renaming the names of the .fds files. That didn’t work. :frowning:

im using a 1-file fds version. if your rom and the patch you are using is separate disk, then it will not work.

the translation patch in romhacking describes it as disk1 disk 2 etc but its just 1 .ips file. use this on a single-file FDS of BodyConQuest that has a header included(or just add the header using hex editor)

Yes, I did that, and I even confirmed the CRC was the same one in the first file they listed.

I can get the game to load, and it’s in English, so I know I have the right ROM working with the patch. But still, it will only switch between side A and side B of disk 0.

The ROM I used was from the no-intro set, called “Bodycon Quest I - Abakareshi Musume Tachi (Japan) (Disk 1) (Unl).”

I read in the ‘read me’ file that you need both disks in order to make the game work, and it specifically said that both NEStopie and FCEUmm would work, but on my end, I can’t get either of them to switch disks. I’m using Windows 10, I don’t know if the OS has anything to do with it or not.

Edit: The problem is still the same for me, even if I can get this to work with the one file as you said, wertz. There’s 6 other instances that I know of offhand that have 2 disk files.

if this is from NoIntro set- then it is missing the header-this ips should not work if so. you know to use any hex editor? load the FDS in any hex editor, and check the 1st lines. if it does not start with FDS… then you need to add this at the very start of the rom file to add the proper header for this patch to work.

46 44 53 1A 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

EDIT: ok i think i see the situation you are in. this is one reason i do not use NoIntro Sets- they split the game into separate Disk1 and Disk2 FDS file.

you can join these 2 files together though if your familiar with hex editing. else, just find a new FDS for the game that has this in one fds only.

The thing is, I’ve already patched a few other FDS games that specifically asked to use the ‘No-Intro’ rom, and they worked fine.

I know what you mean about the ‘headers,’ but I don’ think that’s the case with FDS games.

The reason I went with the No-Intro version in this case is that the webpage gave a CRC, and the CRC happened to match the No Intro rom from my set.

There has to be a way to make an emulator see the 2nd file though. I did a search, and R Danbrook added the ability to switch to a 2nd disk to standalone NEStopia over 2 years ago. But maybe it’s the same situation there, where you need one merged file and not two.

The readme file does mention something about a ‘romexpander pro.’ Maybe that is what I need to make this work.

romhacking’s description for this patch is outdated. read the new on from within the patch’s Readme file it clearly states single FDS game with header for the patch to work.

excerpt from ReadMe

[quote]1) A FDS file. The file needs to include the standard 16 byte iNES header followed by the program disk image data. With header, the FDS file is 262016 bytes in size.

The header should be as follows:

   46 44 53 1A  04 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00

I’m not telling you how to get the FDS file, but once you do, call it “BodyConQuest I - Girls Exposed.fds”.[/quote]

Got it working. I found a set that had a single file version. But patching that version of the game made it unplayable.

So, I had to download that ‘ROM expander Pro’ utility (available from ROMhacking.net) and use it to expand and change the header of the ROM. The ROM has to be in the same directory as ‘ROM expander Pro.exe,’ and the file ROM expander Pro.txt (included in the patch download) has to be in the same directory, and you have to have the ROM file named “BodyconQuest I - Abakareshi Musume Tachi.fds.”

None of this is obvious from the readme, or the webpage, that like you said, instructs you to use the wrong ROMset.

I would leave a rude comment about it but that website doesn’t autosave your log in details, I forgot my password, and they won’t let anonymous people post. They must not want to make it easy to point out that they are giving misinformation on how to make one of their files work. :slight_smile:

Anyways thanks for your help, you pointed me in the right direction. I hope the other 30+ I need to do aren’t this much of a pain.