Taig 8.3

Sorry Gutless but… where did you get your version of TaiG for 8.3? I heard it’s not a proper break and it’s only a partial? I am sitting on the fence if I should update to 8.3 or not…

Taig actually released a jailbreak for 8.4 yesterday, so yeah the version that will jailbreak both is taig 2.2.0 Still can’t for the life of me figure out how to use my ds3 with the nightly… and retroarch is broken on 8.4 so im stuck with it.

It’s stable. 8.4 is stable too. They are both confirmed by saurik.

Yeah I just noticed, can’t believe they released so early… I’m so happy. <3 I was worried I’d be stuck on 8.4 for too long. :'c

So is buggy, or works on 8.4? I can’t properly test on my 5S until I’ve got my module to fully complete the phone. :c starts on 8.4 but if you open the front end settings it crashes, so you can’t change any settings, and if you try to run a core it errors out. Totally broken… And the nightly is a nightmare imho to use so far.

You guys crack me up. A nightmare? A nightmare?? It’s like going to school/work and realizing you’re naked and then opening your mouth and all your teeth fall out? Srsly, though, we need actionable bug reports (i.e., more descriptive than “doesn’t work” and includes an error log) and moar contributors! We have a very small team and none of us uses iOS with any regularity. We need some people to step up and help out. for me crashes when I open the frontend settings as well, but I was able to run Crash Bandicoot 2 in PCSX Rearmed. Unfortunately, afaik, I can’t configure the nightlies to use BTstack for input like I can, and ControllersForAll crashes SpringBoard every time I run a game with it enabled.

[QUOTE=hunterk;24400]You guys crack me up. A nightmare? A nightmare?? It’s like going to school/work and realizing you’re naked and then opening your mouth and all your teeth fall out? Srsly, though, we need actionable bug reports (i.e., more descriptive than “doesn’t work” and includes an error log) and moar contributors! We have a very small team and none of us uses iOS with any regularity. We need some people to step up and help out.[/QUOTE] Well lets see, every time I change the settings and save, they arn’t actually saved, there are atleast 3 different interfaces, and the one at startup is broken, the btstack integration is mia. Thats a nightmare to me… but maybe other people are masochists and enjoy it? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all you guys have done and retroarch has been great on earlier ios firmwares, but the whole nightly thing… just meh… I will happly use retroarch when the next stable comes out, but as is…

Those issues are indeed inconvenient, but “nightmare” still strikes me as a bit melodramatic. Regardless, thank you for the report. Logs would be more helpful, since it would give us a place to start looking, and patches would be better, still, but we’ll try to get those issues sorted out nonetheless.

It is working which is what you need to look at when using it. Name one other psx n64 emulator on iOS. There isn’t one.

You are right the nightly isn’t finished which is why it’s still a nightly.

Hunterk the main menu won’t let you go into sub folders can’t actually use it to select your game and core. You have to hit the switch button and run the rgui to select which is fine.

The save per core isn’t working you have to manually select your overlay if you want to change cores. Save games aren’t working but save states are working just fine.

All in all I use it everydY and it’s the best that is out there right now

[QUOTE=hunterk;24409]Those issues are indeed inconvenient, but “nightmare” still strikes me as a bit melodramatic. Regardless, thank you for the report. Logs would be more helpful, since it would give us a place to start looking, and patches would be better, still, but we’ll try to get those issues sorted out nonetheless.[/QUOTE] If you tell me how to enable logging and then what to try to generate a log, I’ll produce one.

This page has a pretty good rundown, it seems: https://university.utest.com/how-to-access-and-capture-ios-log-files/ The console logs will be needed to examine anything that doesn’t involve a crash. As for the settings not saving, Twinaphex just mentioned that it’s probably related to not having a “quit retroarch” option, which makes settings get written to file on other platforms:

You can try that and see if it helps. Obviously, that’s not a good long-term solution, though, so we’ll have to come up with a proper workaround.

[QUOTE=hunterk;24414] As for the settings not saving, Twinaphex just mentioned that it’s probably related to not having a “quit retroarch” option, which makes settings get written to file on other platforms: You can try that and see if it helps. Obviously, that’s not a good long-term solution, though, so we’ll have to come up with a proper workaround.[/QUOTE] That makes sense, the older version had a quit retroarch option and the nightly doesn’t, Ill look into the logging but its not actually crashing so I don’t know if it’ll create any. Edit: Okay the minimize then close does allow the setting to save, still no btstack but there appears to be a logging setting in retroarch, no clue if it’ll produce anything but I enabled it. Edit 2: The iPhone configuration utility is mac only apparently and since I’m on windows, I don’t think ill be any help log wise.

Where do I find the log files hunter? I have them turned on.