Thank you Libretro!

I have this old phone (circa 2013) which is actually quite capable, it can run up to PSP full speed at 2X IR (depending on the title) but I mostly focus on arcade, 16-bit and PS1 games. I even tested DOSBox Pure and it does a valiant effort, Duke Nukem 3D runs surprisingly well, albeit not as smooth on the PC, it’s totally playable.

Depending on the core it can use Preemptive Frames between 1 to 3 or more without eating frames/crackling sound. And while Saturn is a no-go, it probably can be somewhat compared to a Raspberry, but remember this is an old phone that can be used as a GPS, music player, eBook player, whatever else, so that’s a plus. It can also natively output to HDMI at 720p using a simple MHL (USB adapter) and with a PS4 or any bluetooth controller, it’s a neat little device.

After tinkering with what I can do with it and making this simple collection, when I reached Amiga things complicated, the games were not running well and I tried UAE4arm from the Store and it resembles it’s PC counterpart, down to its interface and convoluted setup. Since I just wanted to play a few Amiga games and the tutorials for UAE4arm felt like a chore I didn’t think it was worth the effort I came back to RA and tried PUAE 2021 this time and messed a bit with its Core Options, to my surprise most of the games I tried were running smoothly now and it came to me how much easier Retroarch makes these systems to play.

I understand the appeal of setting up DOS Box or Amiga systems for enthusiasts and for nostalgic purposes, but when it comes to just choose a single file game, be it zipped or lha (amiga) like a console does, there’s no contest, this is not counting the many benefits the frontend offers we are familiarized now, and it’s always nice to have all those saves and configs enclosed in one centralized application, too.

With all that, it’s certainly not the best option for these less processing capable devices when it comes to many systems, PSP, Saturn, NDS and others really require a beefier hardware, specially comparing their Retroarch core counterparts, but otherwise, I’m glad it exists.

While using the PC you can obviously go way beyond the above, this old phone is the only other device I wanted to make available as an option. It just won’t run Crysis.


I just wanted to say thanks for making my emulation dreams into a reality! Retroarch is incredible! i love RETROARCH :brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart: :brown_heart:


I haven’t posted in this thread in a bit… but I saw this on the homepage for the last update:

  • INPUT/REMAP: Remap label fix when no autoconf profile active
  • INPUT/REMAP: Add ‘Save As’ option for remaps and overrides
  • INPUT/REMAPPING: Stop always reseting to defaults on remap delete

I get pretty crazy with my remaps (Anyone who’s seen my posts over the years about controllers probably isn’t surprised) and I cannot tell you how much of a godsend that is. I would spend so much time remapping, and re-re-remapping the controls. God I don’t know how many times I had to delete the existing remap so that I could save a new remap, but I had to remap because deleting would reset the whole thing.

It’s sometimes the smallest updates that have the biggest impact. So thank you for updating this.


Thanks, and you are welcome!


admin please add Symbian core for the latest retroarch :slight_smile:

hello is welcome you are not in the right section to make a request Core and Feature Requests

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How can i create a new topic? :confused:

Hello, I’m new here, and I can’t find a way to create a topic about my problem. I have an OrangePI 4 LTS and I didn’t find any official Lakka distro for orangepi4lts. It only has the name of the plate but not the image for download. I tried to use the NanoPi M4 image which has the same architecture and same electronic components, and eth0, wifi and bluetooth don’t work. If anyone can help me create a related topic and let me know I would appreciate it!

Thanks you for all the effort and hard work! Libretro is really an amazing piece of collaboration :slight_smile:


Awesome software. I’m looking forward to playing cabinet arcade games.

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Thank you for all the Work. I use RA through lakka since 2016. Its the best thing in Retro gaming. I use it on a 65" TV with a Intel based Mini PC and it is a blast to play that way. Only Downside: my consoles get a little dusty at Times :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.


Thank you guys for working on PCSX2 (LRPS2) !!! For me its in very usable shape now. I used an older alpha build before which was a mess. The new Version even includes the software renderer which is good way against many glitches in games. Great work !!!


I have updated and tested a few games quickly. I will test this with a few more games to see how well it works. Here are some notes:

  • Video Driver: The core only works for me when using RetroArch setting (not the one in the core, but the video_driver of RetroArch) to video_driver = "glcore". It does not work with Vulkan for me. I am on Linux and no Direct-X is available. This is the same as before, just wanted to mention if anyone else has a problem because of this.
  • Change: Configuration path (the config folder in retroarch on the filesystem) for the core changed from previously “LRPS2 (alpha)” to “LRPS2” including all associated files in that directory. Useful to know if someone wants to copy files over and rename, to use exact same settings (like me) as before.
  • Same: New version replaces old core in place with same name, so an update is enough, which means there is no need to adapt any playlists. The core file is still named “pcsx2_libretro” under “cores” directory, if anyone searches it.
  • Resolved: I personally experienced a bug in a previous version, that is seemingly resolved now: previously when using the crt-royale-ntsc-svideo Shader with curvature enabled. Lot of blue dots appeared and without curvature there was still a few dots in the image and distracting. Not sure if the core or the Shader updates resolved this, but its resolved nontheless.

I tested only a few games and am happy to report its working good (also changed to Software Renderer, but not sure if i see any difference compared to before). I’m so happy this system and core got so much love recently, because this is a very important console to support. Thanks for everyone involved.

Documentation for the core:

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Vulkan worked for me with lakka. Had to Set Vulkan driver in mainmenu or per core-override and Set Vulkan renderer in core Options. But then i was unable to Switch to Software Rendering. I go with glcore now.

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The last Github changes of LRPS2 are over a year old. What exactly has changed?

Tons of stuff. We’ll do a writeup of it whenever it’s officially released, but one of the major draws is ParaLLEl-GS. This is a hardware-accelerated software renderer (via compute shaders) similar to N64’s ParaLLEl-RDP.


That means when I’m downloading the Retroarch nightly core builds then I won’t get the new version?

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the new WIP LRPS2 is available from the online updater.

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I was just checking this out. It’s smooth as butter. It looks like it’s playing nice with Windows HDR now too. I used to lose HDR when I closed the emulator and had to reset everything, but now there are no problems.