The 3DS has been hacked again, time for a port?

Smea has released the 3DS homebrew hacks “Tubehax” and “Ironhax” which you can check out at

Now that the 3DS has another hack that is compatible with the latest firmware, and it is comparably easy to access, I think that is time for a port of Retroarch to the 3DS.


There is one already but it’s very preliminary

Oh? Where can read up on this?

Would love to get this for my N3DS. Read over at GBATemp that Virtual Boy runs at about 50% so far? Where is the Preliminary?

I found the article that Radius was talking about: Seems that more work is required, but it’s happening

Well hopefully things are going great. Just wondering though: Im guessing you are not able to Load all the Cores in 1 App, so I am guessing, you will be able to just Load individual Cores via their own .3dsx? Any .cia??? :smiley:

I reckon the cores will be their own files, but RetroArch will be the only .3dsx file. Since the SD card can be directly accessed by software, RetroArch could keep its files in whatever format it likes.

Most consoles don’t allow dynamic linking, so RetroArch gets a core statically linked and then there’s some glue that lets you swap between them (i.e., it closes the RetroArch+core that is currently running and launches the RetroArch+core that you want to load).