The Legend of Dragoon Help


Android retroarch release on the google play store Samsung Galaxy S5 KitKat 4.4 PCSX ReARMed Core The Legend of Dragoon SCES rom Both SCPH7502.bin & SCPH1001.bin Memory card saves

Ran into all the standard bugs that come along with this game (Lenus and Regole non-dragoon disc 2, save state corruption, etc.). Found work-arounds for them all. Except I’ve started noticing that after every boss fight in which I’ve used dragoon mode, the game rewards me with the dreaded black screen of death. I’m currently 42 hours in on disc 3 at Fort Magrad about to fight the “Polter Armor.”

SPOILERS: Each major boss fight following Lenus and Regole I had to avoid using dragoon mode in order to bypass the black screen of death. Windigo, Lloyd, etc.

I’m just wondering if anyone found a work-around for this whether it is in-game or in the retroarch settings or the retroarch release itself. I haven’t tested any other emulators as of yet. Currently waiting for a response before I continue playing to the end without the undisputed coolest part of this game (dragoons).

Lastly, I did a lot of research on different bugs on various systems and found nothing in regards to this problem as it is recurring and not specific.


It could be related to the ARM dynarec. You could try running it in interpreter mode (I think that core has the interpreter as a core option…?) instead and see if that treats you any differently.

Ok so I’m searching around “core options” and can’t find anything that says “interpreter.” Is this where I should find it? If not where?


Yeah, that’s where you would find it, if it exists. I don’t use that core much (I don’t do any mobile gaming, personally), but make sure you load a game before looking at the core options. They won’t show up until you’re in-game.

Yea no options for interpreter mode in the core options while in game. I’ll have to play around with some settings but thank you.