That’s enough. I’ll do it for people out there with big screen, waiting for that RTX 3090 price drop.
Then we will merrily play Arkanoid at 4K/60fps.
That’s enough. I’ll do it for people out there with big screen, waiting for that RTX 3090 price drop.
Then we will merrily play Arkanoid at 4K/60fps.
Here’s gameplay of Dread (demo) on Amiga 1200 extreme overlay.
This showcases the impressive tech demo coded by Krzysztof Kluczek (KK/Altair), some kind of FreeDoom adaption capable of running on Amiga 500 real hardware. Of course, with RetroArch we can push performance to 60 fps quite easily!
It’s impressive how a homebrew software can do something that was tought to be impossible: a full-sized DOOM clone on Amiga that doesn’t need additional hardware.
Support KK/Altair on
Well… there’s a lot to DISPLAY here
(tap to enlarge, looks like the board doesn’t enjoy huge vertical images)
It’s a beautiful day
The sun is shining
I feel good
And no-one’s gonna stop me now,
oh yeah.
This is the original advertising aired on TV in 1993 to promote the short-lived Amiga CD32. It’s funny to see an Amiga CD32 spot using a simulated Amiga CD32 graphic pack, isn’t it?
RetroArch uses the FFMpeg core for video playback: movies can be postprocessed in realtime with Mega Bezel Reflection Shader to get this beautiful retro visuals despite the low 480p resolution.
Here’s a gameplay of Turrican 2 MS-DOS to Amiga AGA conversion on Commodore Pack A600 + C1080 overlay.
This showcases the really impressive effort from coder Muzza to recreate Turrican 2 from scratch using much better PC edition assets together with Amiga AGA chipset capabilities. The game control really feels the same and the new graphics plus locked 60fps really add something new to the beloved Factor5 classic!
I really hope for Muzza to complete his project as soon as possible as he’s planning to restore some of the original Amiga sprites for the definitive Turrican 2 Experience!
Free demo is available on English Amiga Board.
PS: Turrican 2 MS-DOS is working fine with DOSBOX PURE core right now, maybe you can try it with my Amiga overlays to get the best of both worlds
Download it while it’s still hot on the Official DevBlog
New release for public testing, including new display presets, responsive features for widescreen displays, lo-fi monochrome experience, refined performance profiles and tons of minor fixes.
Software requirements:
and MONITOR C1902
modular presets and original assetsTV BEZELTRON 001 (PHILIPS-21PT3326-V7)
modular presets and original assets4K CURVED & SQUARE OVERLAYS
captured with Nvidia DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution)CREAM MEGA BEZEL PRESET
specific for use with A600, A600 and A1200DARK-GRAY MEGA BEZEL PRESET
specific for use with AMIGA CD321080P CURVED & SQUARE OVERLAYS
with higher quality super-sampled versionsAMIGA 1200 SYNTHWAVE
design with new multi-floppy emulator and less banding artifactsFeatures:
support for adaptive background and LEDs layers fill modeLO-FI MONOCHROME
preset chain with classic amber, green and white variantsFAST SHARPEN
based on blazing lightweight ZFAST presetSTANDARD PERFORMANCE PROFILE
for display scaling and positioningFULL
and ZOOM
modular presets variations for multilayer displaysEnhancements:
for assets to replace boring void grayWATERMARKS
for assets to include Creative Commons badgesSCALEFX RESAMPLING
for EXTREME presets with fake scanlines and adjusted brightnessTV PROCESS GTU
for EXTREME presets with higher signal resolution and disabled componentGLOBAL PRESETS
for use within shaders folderCURVED & SQUARE OVERLAYS
with new background textures and displaysAMIGA 600
, AMIGA 600 HD
overlay assets with the new C1080 displayMEGA BEZEL PRESETS
for bigger gameplay area, better lightning and reflectionsBEIGE MEGA BEZEL PRESET
specific for use with A500 and A500+BLACK MEGA BEZEL PRESET
specific for use with A1200 SYNTHWAVECUSTOM DISPLAY DECALS
for better readability in both DAY/NIGHT preset variantsFixes:
presets parameters to latest public MBR shader versionBEZEL TEXTURES ASPECT RATIO
settings for layers and textures to prevent stretchingCUSTOM DISPLAY DECALS
for new adaptive design to prevent stretching and bad positioningMONITOR C1084
assets and modular presets to correct aspect ratioAMIGA 500
, AMIGA 500+
overlay assets to correct C1084 aspect ratioLEDs TEXTURES
for better nightly ambient visualsNIGHT DITHERING SAMPLES
to prevent slowdowns with NIGHT presetsLately I’ve been getting into the homebrew Amiga developers scene and I’m discovering lots of “new games” further expanding the huge Commodore Amiga catalogue.
Here’s a gameplay of Super Cars 2 AGA rebuild on Mega Bezel Commodore Pack Amiga 1200Synth + procedural Mega Bezel Black on Retroarch.
JTOD realized this full featured remake of Super Cars 2 by hacking in the beatiful assets from Supercars International 1996, full with 256 colors graphics, new soundtrack, tweaked controls and better performance, resulting in the definitive edition of the original 1991 Gremlin Interactive game.
The Super Cars 2 AGA remake is free to play and actively under development on English Amiga Board
To get the best framerate with Retroarch PUAE core, I suggest to crank up CPU SPEED setting to 500%
Hey shiny ones!
As you know, Mega Bezel is all about simulating CRT gaming, so I decided to bring some of the best retrogaming displays certified by experts from
This dev-update one brings one of the best CRT on the market, the JVC tm-h150cg, rebranded as Bezeltron-002. A little content update with a familiar caped frog!
The cool feature of JVC tm-h150cg are the bright green LED buttons, I had to find the monitor manual to be sure to lighten the right ones
Here’s the real life monitor I used for reference
Very pretty! With all the perfect perspective tricks that make up your signature style.
Ooooooohh, shiny!!
Edit: Just because I am bored finishing up work, I decided to play the GB version of Bonk’s Adventure, while using the Amiga 1200synth, and I must say this may end up being how I play Gameboy games from now on.
That’s the kind of crazy stuff I like to see!
Let’s Bonk together!
Hey @Neofuuma you’re using the old RC1 Amiga1200Synth! Don’t forget to update to the new RC2 version, it’s equipped with a new CD-ROM reader and multi-floppy dot matrix screen
Here’s a gameplay of Raid over Moscow unofficial Amiga conversion on Mega Bezel Commodore Pack Amiga 500 + Commodore 1084 Monitor on Retroarch.
Erik Hogan from Pixelglass Games decided to complete the unreleased Amiga port of this praised 1984 Commodore 64 classic taking on the assets from original developer Access Software, coding this faithful conversion from scratch adding a modern control scheme and original soundtrack.
The game made quite a sensation because of the cold war theme, resulting in censorship in Finland, circulation of unauthorized copies, gamers debating about somewhat “realistic nuclear war” games and becoming a top seller of its generation.
Raid over Moscow is free to play and downloadable on
Here's a gameplay of Outrun Enhanced remake on Mega Bezel Commodore Pack Amiga 600 HD + JVC TM-H150CG PVM (aka CRT Series Bezeltron-002M) on Retroarch 'Cannonball' core.
Sega 1986 classic Outrun had a very, VERY low quality Amiga porting by US Gold one year after the coin-op release: everything from the cult soundtrack, the graphic and performance was messed up in a somewhat rushed and disappointing conversion. To add insult to injury, they even added an horrible digital voice intro, kind of a warning of how bad the gameplay was going to be as soon as START is pressed.
Cheesy assets + poor palette + unplayable framerate = Amiga Outrun from US Gold |
Fastforward to 2009, coder Chris White started building his own Outrun engine from scratch, fixing bugs and adding native widescreen, hi-res rendering, new game modes and lots of quality-of-life enhancements. The engine was named Cannonball after the movie that was the main source of inspiration for Yu Suzuki masterpiece.
![]() |
David Carradine is... CannonBILL! |
In 2017 Lantus360 aka Modern Vintage Gamer released his own Amiga RTG porting of Cannonball to Aminet, finally fixing the outrage to Amiga enthusiasts after 30 years: much high hardware requirements and feature/performance compromises aims this porting to a pretty restricted user base.
Missing bg and shadow graphics... additional Vampire card required... still not definitive port. (source. MVG Youtube Channel) |
In 2021 Agermose started all over again with a native AGA port. Will this vile feud come to an end once and for all for the Amiga Fanbase to live happily ever after?
In the meanwhile, I think we can better benefit from Cannonball Outrun Enhanced edition with the native RetroArch core, waiting for the native Amiga Outrun AGA port to come alive!
Hello there bezellers!
The little side-project with the best CRT Monitors is going on and today I can announce the second entry in the Bezeltron CRT series: Sony BVM-20F1U, rebranded as BZT-003M.
Here’s some screenshots from the incredibly funny Rygar AGA Conversion from my next gameplay video
IRL these BVM broadcast monitors had separate add-on control units, I decided to put it in the bottom for a classic ‘home entertainment’ configuration.
Here’s a photo I used for reference.
Funny thing about those PVM/BVM models is that they share lots of components, meaning I may do further variations in the future considering I built my library of buttons, knobs and leds used… sky’s the limit!
Any requests?
Hello, I have Mega Bezel installed and running but I don’t know where to put your megabezel-commodore-pack-1080p folder for it to work, can you help me?
Hello there! You can put the ‘commodore-pack-1080p folder’ everywhere as long as it is in the /retroarch/shaders subfolder.
It will connect to HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader automagically
This is my new favorite word!
Ahahah in italian it would sound like ‘automagicamente’
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious zero config would be a little to long
Afraid for begging, I’d like to get to 100 subscribers so I can customize the URL Thanks in advance.
Here’s a gameplay of Rygar unofficial Amiga AGA conversion on Mega Bezel Commodore Pack Amiga CD32 + SONY BVM-20F1U powered by Retroarch PUAE core and Mega Bezel Reflection Shader.
Rygar: Legendary Warrior was released by Tecmo in 1986, a classic fantasy arcade hit that never found its way to Amiga machines despite the really nice Commodore64 and ZX Spectrum ports.
In 2019 team Seismic Minds with coder Mcgeezer developed its own straight-from-coinop unofficial conversion exclusively for Commodore AGA series, being A1200, A4000 and Amiga CD32 full with 30 rounds, new challenges, dual button controls, level codes system and, best of it all, the return of the iconic “Diskarmor”, a destructive chained-shield weapon.
Tip: you will find level codes and useful notes in the new game manual!
Well, since you asked nicely, and it’s a video with Rygar, I just can’t refuse
I’m going to have to check out this Amiga version, it looks pretty sweet.