Wow, lots of things to talk about!
It’s my ADVANCED custom preset, nice visible pixels with a little smooth to blend it all together. Curvature is a 2D fake cylinder, to mimic those high performance PVM/BVM, I used to set higher values for older Commodore Displays.
My general idea is to enhance the visual while “suggesting” some of the best aspects of CRT displays. Clearly, this means we don’t have to suffer the limitations of old hardware, we just have to mix the best of it for a modernized experience. In fact, I don’t design 1:1 bezels, I try to get the right amount of gameplay area while keeping nice bezels in the viewport. Testing & Composing is a precise step in my workflow and requires lots of adjustements of the vector drawing. But hey, I’m getting faster and faster at it!
Ahaha, you’ll make mr. @soqueroeu proud! We discussed about it in the past, it’s a philosophy of design: I’ve always been a ‘desktop’ gamer, meaning I’m more used to have a bigger monitor close to my face, while @soqueroeu captured the ‘couch’ gamer visual, with smaller display and some furniture.But while I love it and appreciate its complex composition, I think it sacrifices too much of the gameplay area.
So I will come up with my own ‘Retrowalls Project’ (provisional name) to make at least the display fully visible, with some original solution for unobstrusive, eye-friendly backgrouds. It’s been in the working for months, the capture with the dark background I posted is a part of it (it’s called ‘dark stucco’ preset). So… expect surprises in the future.
Problem is: thanks to @guest.r and @HyperspaceMadness (and countless shaders contributors) we may try to implement many kinds of grills/masks, scanlines and artifacts in post-processing but… will it be enjoyable? Will it even be VISIBLE, taking account of LCD/OLED tecnology we use to reproduce it? Were we really playing so close to displays as kids to appreciate every single bloomy pixel? I don’t think so.
What I’m doing here is trying to create suggestion, respect original artists vision, not just making a scanline museum!
But I have to take lessons from real hardware, to perfect the layers of my own visual language.
I believe this is our next quest along the road for defining a nice base for our presets. I’ve been taking some beating on Reddit for my presets pretending to be too much ‘retro’ with unnecessary effects… hence the idea to come closer to real PVM/BVM with the help of people who actually owns (and properly set up) the displays. We’ll need as much help as we can get!
It’s a pretty exciting ride, considering we came from much different professional roots, sensibilities and experiences, from all over the world. We all have fun giving our contribute, extending our limits and aiming higher. I started less than a year ago with my personal Amiga500 presets, now I have parallel projects interleaving and I’m part of an exquisite team of lovely retro-experiences builders.
I’m proud of it.