I don’t think it would be that hard to make because there’s already rewind and fastforward and slowmotion and stuff. What is the reason why a video player core doesn’t exist? Don’t tell me it’s impossible or something. This would be so cool!
There is one. It’s built-in. Just go to ‘load content’ and pick a video file.
It’s cool and all but it’s really slow, vlc and any other video player runs 4 times better than this! Well atleast the .mkv file format.
What other built-ins are there?
I have it running as fast as any other video player I know, MPC, etc., and I’ve been watching 4:3 stuff for months now using Retroarch. The only things I miss are:
*SRT Subtitle Support *To remember last video position *Simple play/stop buttons *A simple seekbar
I’m only reinforcing this, again, because Retroarch is the coolest video player there is. Note I only use it for 4:3 videos, and I have it incorporated into kodi, so any 4:3 video uses Retroarch as player by default.
aorin1, I made a bounty draft similar to what you’re suggesting. Here’s the thread if you’re interested in discussing/backing: Bounty for touch ups on builtin video player [$50]
Both FFMPEG (the video player in Libretro) and VLC use libavcodec to decode video, as a result there is unlikely to be any difference in playback speed. If anything FFMPEG is LIGHTER than VLC because it dispenses with the GUI…
it its slow, then there is something wrong with your settings and/or machine.
As I said, it was only the .mkv files that were really slow.