Thumbnail position

I’ve managed to add thumbnails for all my games but the default position obscures a lot of the menu text, especially controller configuration. Is there a way to move the thumbnail location further away from the menu text or at least layer it in the background / make transparent.

Could you post what system you’re using and what resolution your display is at?

What version retroarch?

Also if you can take a screenshot demonstrating the issue that could be very helpful too.

Can’t post an image right now as not on machine but I know it’s version 1.4.1 and the resolution is set to 1920 x 1080. I think the thumbnails are in the default position as normal from other set ups I’ve seen on YouTube but when you go into menus such as joypad config the menu text goes under the image. Hope that’s enough but if not will post a screenshot when back at computer later.

OK, that sounds like a bug that has been fixed in more recent versions of RetroArch.

Could you try this with the current 1.7.1 RetroArch and see if the problem is resolved?

Yes problem resolved. I assumed the newer versions would be the same from seeing other people’s set ups online. Generally full thing looks a bit nicer actually.

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