Tip: Move favorites file to create a custom playlist

There are many ways to create a custom playlist. Here is one simple way basically everyone can understand and do. But it requires moving a file on the filesystem first. Just go to the retroarch main directory and move the file “content_favorites.lpl” to the “playlists” folder, rename it to something more useful. And that’s it. Now this will appear as a custom playlist and your original Favorites is empty now. It is easy to mix and add games with the favorites system of the RetroArch UI. However once you “exported” the favorites into a custom playlist, adding new games to it isn’t easy. In that case you can reverse the process to get a favorites file back for editing purposes.

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Hi! It’s fun to dive in and explore settings and it’s fun to see people’s solutions to common problems. That said, I have some news for you: Press F5 and you’ll be able to create custom playlists at will! You can add folders or individual items.


I use the Desktop Menu on my PC for certain things too (such as easily adding folders of unknown games), but it is not available on all platforms (Steam version in example). Not support all features from the main application, but the Desktop Mode has an excellent “All Playlists” search functionality that actually finds everything. But it feels a bit awkward to open a new window with a complete different UI and search playlists and game to add, while I could just hit “add to favorites” the current playing game in fullscreen from the menu. So it has its cons too in daily usage. Still a useful second UI, but not available for everyone.

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What I’d like to see in RA is a function like : “Add to Playlist…” -> select playlist from list

@c9f5fdda06 Desktop menu does not help much in this situation, right? I think there is no “drag & drop” from a playlist to another one, am I missing something?


I see what is being advocated now. Good workaround!

This is very useful, What a great trick!

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