Trouble adding roms

I’m sorry, i know this has been asked to death, but i am at a loss and don’t know where else to turn. I only have 1 computer that uses windows 10 and i want to run the live usb option. I had an extra PC so i first tried to network them together but my network wouldn’t read the computer with the usb running lakka. Unfortunately, that pc fried shortly after trying that, so i no longer have that option to use. I have read that some people used Fillezilla to transfer ROMS, but i have Comcast internet and i use their wireless modem/router and it assigns all my devices a generic 10.0.0.X IP’s therefore i cannot get the IP and send it that way. I have also read that you can download software to read .ext4 files, but in that same thread it was discussed that that would not work (not sure if that is still true).

I’m not installing Lakka to my hard drive so there is no way to partition anything, and i don’t have an external hard drive either.

If there is no other way of getting around this i can take my computer to my parents house to network them, but i wouldn’t want to do that every time i need to add ROMS. Even if i did this i wouldn’t be sure that the network would read my computer since my network didn’t.

Is there anything i can do, or am i SOL?

Thanks for any replies.