Trouble compiling Retroarch for Wii

I am a complete newb to compiling retroarch and have been following guides on how to compile retroarch for Wii but I haven’t been successful. First I followed this guide, I installed Devkitpro PPC using the windows installer that is on the devkitpro website. I also cloned the libogc libraries from github but don’t know where to place them or what exactly I have to do with them. However, the devkitpro Windows installer, installed a libogc folder with various folders and files in it so I’m assuming libogc is installed automatically with the devkitpro Windows installer?

I opened Mysys in the devkitpro directory and tried to run “git clone retroarch” but Mysys says sh:git: command not found". What worked for me instead was to download the 64 bit version of Msys2 and following the steps to update it with this guide, I was then able to download the Retroarch and Libretro-Super repositories from MinGW 64-bit. However, I could not run any shell scripts in MinGW 64-bit so I had to instead run my scripts from Msys in my Devkitpro directory When I run “” in Msys, it attempts to fetch the cores (e.g. fetch Picodrive…) but for every core it fails and says "libretro-super/script-modules/ line 24: git: command not found.

Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?

yeah, that msys doesn’t sound like it has git. You’ll have to fetch them with your own git installation and then switch to your devkitpro msys to do the actual building.