Trouble with Sega CD setup

Hi I just recently downloaded the retroarch for Android and I am using a Samsung Galaxy S3. I’m having a hard time with the Sega CD setup. I have the bios files and they’re labeled correctly and I got them working too. But even though I created a custom directory and folder as I’ve read you have to do online from multiple sources I still can’t get 2 games that I’ve tried don’t work and the emulator crashes. I even tried reinstalling and just the same thing. The 2 games I tried were Tom Cat Alley and Dark Wizard and they’re in the bin/cue format. There must be something I’m missing but if someone could guide me through it I’d appreciate it as I know this is a common problem from what I’ve read. Thank you and please message me who can walk me through it!

I have had some issues with CD image-based cores and CUE files. To avoid issues with them, I usually pick the core, then select “Resume Content”, which will get you to the rgui. From there, “Load Content (<whatever core>)”, then pick the BIN file. I don’t know if that will actually cause any issues with CD audio, but I have yet to see/hear any.