Trying to sync saved states between PC and Android

and having some bad results. I’m using Dropbox to sync the files. I can successfully load up the game on both devices. However, if I create a save state on either device, and then transfer it to the other via Dropbox, the 2nd device will crash when trying to load the state. The 1st device can, of course, load the save state with no issues.

Is this just NOT going to work for me? Or is there anyone out there who have successfully gotten this to work? If so, please tell me how you have it set up.

Some more info:

RetroArch ver on both PC and Android Using Genesis Plus GX core on both devices Loading up Shadowrun via zip file

Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

EDIT: Just tested another method of transferring the save states - plugged my android phone into my PC via USB, and transferred files the old fashioned way. Still crashing on the PC when trying to load the state.

I use dropsync. The dropbox client on android doesn{t sync whole folders. You need to make sure you´re using the same core and same version on all platforms

I’m using DropSync as well, it’s very nice, copies the files with no issues.

I’m using the latest version of RetroArch from the Play Store, it’s showing as v1.0.0.2, same as the version I have installed on the PC. I’m using the Genesis Plus GX core that was included with both packages. The Genesis Plus GX core version on the PC is v1.7.4, but I can’t find a version # for the core on the android. It’s getting late, I will try the PicoDrive core tomorrow on both devices to see if the behavior is any different.

I should also note that the .SRM works fine. Shadowrun allows me to save the the game normally, and DropSync then transfers the .SRM file immediately, and I’m then able to start the game up on the PC and pickup where I left off. I can then save the game on the PC and then force a sync via DropSync on the android (currently set to 1hr background sync), the .SRM gets synced to the android and can start up the game and pick up where I left off on the PC.

I want to be able to follow this same process with save states. AndresSM, are you able to do this with your save states?

Didn’t try with Genplusgx but I’m inclined to say it’s a core issue. Might be fixed already by now since is quite old, wait a few weeks for and try again I guess

what system/core are you using? I’d like to test with something that is definitely working for someone else.

For me, this is moot, anymore. I will not be wanting to use save states to keep my progress in games, at least not synced between devices. Unless I’m mistaken, save states can cause havoc with battery saves (SRM files), and I’d rather not worry about that. I’ll use save states as needed on the Android to keep from losing my progress when I sleep the device, but at that point I will make sure to load the save state on the Android and keep playing on that device until I can do a battery save.

Thanks anyway for the help.

I think you’re making a good choice. Savestates can indeed wipe SRAM. There’s an option in RGUI to keep that from happening, but savestates also change frequently between versions, so it’s a pretty shaky thing to rely on anyway. SRAM saves, OTOH, are reliable, stable and portable.