Twin USB Joystick ON Android Version

Hey Guys how’s going ? I have tried to use an PS2 to usb twin adapter on retroarch 1.36 on my android tv box, first it was not working at all, but then i created myself a TwinUSB.cfg, and it reconizes both controllers at the XMB i can set up both the 2 controllers with their right buttons, but as i launch a game from a playlist the controllers wont work as they should, the first controller don’t work at all, and only the second controller starts to work as the first player, can someone help me ?

The adapter works very well which all other emulators that i have tested it like epsxe, Muppen 64 AE, My boy ! and super retro 16 and all the other that i can not remeber now.

As i could not manage to upload the .cfg that i created i will copy the settings inside of it.

input_driver = “android” input_device = “Twin USB Joystick” input_vendor_id = “2064” input_product_id = “1” input_b_btn = “190” input_y_btn = “191” input_select_btn = “196” input_start_btn = “197” input_up_btn = “h0up” input_down_btn = “h0down” input_left_btn = “h0left” input_right_btn = “h0right” input_a_btn = “189” input_x_btn = “188” input_l_btn = “194” input_r_btn = “195” input_l2_btn = “192” input_r2_btn = “193” input_l3_btn = “198” input_r3_btn = “199” input_l_x_plus_axis = “+0” input_l_x_minus_axis = “-0” input_l_y_plus_axis = “+1” input_l_y_minus_axis = “-1” input_r_x_plus_axis = “+3” input_r_x_minus_axis = “-3” input_r_y_plus_axis = “+2” input_r_y_minus_axis = “-2”

Once you start a game, go back into the menu > settings > input and see if the p1 and p2 device indexes are set properly.

Yes they are, the problem also happens if i open retroarch using the controller (from Android app) , and it works right if open a game using a mouse, it very weird. what should i do ?

Well just wanted to post the workaround for my problem so if someone else have this adapter it might be useful:

Well it will works just fine if you use any android frontend with retroarch, i just configured the gamesome frontend (it also woks with retrobox tv) to open retroarch and the controllers worked as they are suposed to, maybe it might be useful to the devolopers to fix this in retroarch itself. And please add the autoconfig.cfg that i created at next relases of retroarch.

Hi, StuDent. Seeing your nickname, you’re brazilian? If yes, you can help me with instrunctions in portuguese about this post? My english is horrible!

Thank you since now! XD

What do you want to know ? i don’t know if it is allowed to post here in portuguese. Qual problema está tendo ? não sei se é permitido postar em portugues aqui, qualquer coisa manda mensagem privada.

So, I want to know where exactly I must paste the configuration script that you created. The folder, the archive, these things…

Since now, thank you very much! :smiley:

Então, eu queria saber onde exatamente eu deveria colar este script que você criou: o diretório, arquivo e tal. Eu uso o Retroarch no Odroid C2 e levo uma surra com essas coisas!

Ah sim, até o momento que escrevo esta mensagem não descobri como mandar mensagem privada!..

Desde já, muito obrigado!

Create an file named TwinUSBJoystick.cfg then you put these command inside of it, and put in autoconfig\android that you can find in retroarch folder (android\data\com.retroarch\autoconfig\android), use an file browser to do this in the android device, i think you will need to have root access.

Cria um arquivo de texto chamdo TwinUSBJoystick.cfg copia cola esses comanando que postei dentro deste arquivo, salva e joga ele dentro da pasta android ( que fica em android\data\com.retroarch\autoconfig\android )dentro da pasta do aplicativo retroarch , provalvelmente precisa de root pra acessar essa pasta use o esfile explorer ou outro file browser que tenha ai. Desculpa a demora.

oh man, thank you very much! And don’t worry about the delay, you already give to me a great help! I’ll try it latter and give you a feedback! I use the Retroarch on Odroid C2 and Beelink Mini MxIII II! The first suports Ps3 and Xbox 360 joysticks and the second only Xbox 360. Your script can give more cheap options! :smiley:

One more time, thank you very much!!

PS: Can I create a script like that to use my Ps3 joystick on Beelink device?

Poxa, StuDent, muito obrigado! E poxa, você já me deu uma ajuda daquelas, o que é uma demorazinha (tinha até esquecido!..rsrs), Então, eu uso o Retroaarch no ODroid C2 e no Beelink Mini III II. O primeiro suporta controles de Ps3 e X360, e o segundo só controles de X360 ( que pra alguns jogos é horrível). Seu Script além de me dar a opção de usar meu controle de Ps2 e outras mais baratas talvez!..

Mais uma vez, muito obrigado!

PS: Será que eu conseguiria criar um script como esse pra usar meu controle de Ps3 no aparelinho da Beelink?

You can try to create the script ( Você pode tentar criar o scipt e ver se funcioona)

Just to let the developers know the issue is still there even after the new 1.6.0 update, unfortunately…