Two Player Set Up with Dual Port USB Adapter

I’m trying to set up Genesis controllers with a Mayflash usb adapter in RetroArch 1.3.0. I think I screwed up the process somewhere along the line. The usb adapter has two ports. When I start a game, RetroArch only recognizes the right port (player two). I can play, but only as player two. The controller plugged into the left port (player one) doesn’t respond at all despite RetroArch detecting both port 0 and 1.

This was my process for setting up the controllers: I plugged a controller into the left port of the usb adapter and launched RetroArch. It detected the adapter on ports 0 and 1. I went to input 1 and made sure it was set to the name of the usb adapter. I selected bind all and then saved the layout as an autoconfig. I then reset the bindings to default so I could also use the keyboard. Next I went to input 2. The correct button layout was present. I saved it as an autoconfig. At this point I was able to control RetroArch with the controller plugged into the left port. But as soon as I started a game, only the right port worked, forcing me to play as player two. This was the case even with one controller connected. I set up the controller without a core loaded. I have config per core set to on–not sure if that makes a difference in this case.

I’m sure I did something wrong. When I used RetroArch on a Raspberry Pi running Retropie, once I set up one controller through Emulation Station, I could play with two controllers without having to touch a setting in RetroArch. Any help is appreciated.

Try launching a game and going back into the menu to see if the P1 input device/index settings have moved around any. It’s not intended behavior in any case but perhaps that will get you going.

After I launch a game the player one start button is being remapped to a different button that’s not part of the autoconfig (it doesn’t have auto in front of the button like the others do). Since RetroArch won’t recognize the left port, despite it being the port I used to originally bind the buttons and create the autoconfig, I can’t change the button. I’m having the same issue with my SNES controllers using a dual port RetroLink USB adapter, so the problem isn’t specific to the Mayflash adapter.

I ended up just doing a fresh install of RetroArch but haven’t touched the input settings yet. What is the correct method for setting up controllers? Should I leave off seperate configurations per core this time? The adapter worked when I set up the controllers with EmulationStation/Retropie, so I feel it’s something I’m doing wrong.

yeah, configuration per core can cause unexpected behavior sometimes. Generally, you just want to plug in your pads, launch retroarch and then go set up your buttons. Quit once just to make sure everything is saved, relaunch, play some games.

I went with a fresh install and got all the controllers to work. I used the same process I detailed in my first post, except I didn’t go with separate configurations per core.

Cool. Glad you got it going :slight_smile: