I used the ppa installer in terminal using the following code. As I understand, this installed all the cores available, which I probably will not use a fraction of. I found the sticky above much more appropriate. When I open the program, it loads a black screen that looks more menu-ish, then this white screen pops up showing a setup type gear under each heading that will not do anything.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libretro/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install retroarch retroarch-* libretro-*
My first attempt was incomplete due to a poor wifi connection, so I did update and upgrade commands, which seemed to complete the install.
I followed the instructions here for changing the libreto_directory to include all the cores, but nothing changed on the white screen of nothingness.
I have not loaded any roms anywhere yet. This looks nothing like the Retropie interface that comes up on the RaspberryPi I just set up.
Any help would be awesome.
N00buntu user