Unable to get In-App artwork on iOS 10

I’ve upgraded to iOS 10 and now I’m trying to get RetroArch to work on my non-jailbroken iPhone 6s. I can get it to compile and it seems to load, but I am unable to see any of the in-app artwork (the back arrow icon at the upper left of the main menu, the three icons at the menu at the bottom of the screen indicating main, playlists, and settings) even after running the in-app assets updaters.

I’m using freshly downloaded project files and compiling for the iOS10 target using the directions here: http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4239 except that I’m adding my cores to the modules folder as is required for iOS10. Anywho, any help getting this to work would be much appreciated.

As far as I can tell, it seems like all the default directories are incorrect. If you set them to the correct paths everything starts to work.

What you have to do, is download the assets from libretro and overwritte them. If this doesnt work, i can share my files, so that assets work fine on your device. Just let me know.

Thanks! I got it working by copying assets over from my ios9 install so now I have icons. Did you have any issues with directories updating to ios10? All of my directory settings needed to be replaced to get anything to work with the latest source as of 10/2.

Nope, i dont have any issues at this moment. The only thing that changed was that cores needed to be on modules folder. Note: I used the latest compiled IPA instead of the github file as always do.

And welcome!