Update CD Driver in Dosbox Pure

You don’t need to update anything, I have installed many without problems, I don’t remember AOE2, tomorrow I will test.

That’s a classic copy protection error or when the CD path is lost. The first CD games were very sensitive to paths.

If it’s copy protection, you can imagine the answer, if it’s the path, it’s probably because of the way you installed it.

How do you do the installation? If you start Windows first and then load the disk image, that’s the problem.

The correct way is to create a .zip with the game and load it from load content, select the emulator and Windows in the menu (obviously), you can activate the option to start automatically. DosBoxPure creates a virtual hard disk ‘D:’ exclusive for the game .zip you just opened, there you do the installation. Many files will be created inside RetroArch, now, every time you want to start the game, you load the .zip, as a normal rom.

These games in .zip format can also be used to make playlists, with thumbnails :wink:

How do you do the installation? If you start Windows first and then load the disk image, that’s the problem.

I load up from the Games Disc Image

The correct way is to create a .zip with the game and load it from load content, select the emulator and Windows in the menu (obviously), you can activate the option to start automatically. DosBoxPure creates a virtual hard disk ‘D:’ exclusive for the game .zip you just opened, there you do the installation. Many files will be created inside RetroArch, now, every time you want to start the game, you load the .zip, as a normal rom.

That what I have been doing

I tried installing on both C: Drive and Installed on Vitrual Hard Disk D: Drive

I don’t understand you, they are two different things, they cannot be done at the same time.

I know what the problem is, I found that bug in (Moto Racer) the first game I tried, but I never reported it, and I didn’t remember, I’ve been walking around until I opened the zip and saw the bins.
The core has problems reading disk images with CUE + Multiple BINs.
You need to get a CUE + single BIN or ISO, or you can convert it to CHD and then to CUE and you are going to have it with a single BIN.

CUE to CHD: chdman createcd -i "input file.cue" -o "output file.chd"
CHD to CUE: chdman extractcd -i "input file.chd" -o "output file.cue"
(I think it was you who taught me how to do this) :thinking:

The multi bins disk, you can install and play as I told you before, but at some point you get an error and if you reboot you lose everything.

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I tried using the ISO File but still says need to Insert Proper Disc to play it

CHD File is not Recognized by Dosbox Pure

I don’t understand you, they are two different things, they cannot be done at the same time.

So you can add a Image File when already loaded into Windows?

DB-Pure is not compatible with chd.

Yes, you can load the core, start Windows, and then load the game from “Disc Control” but that has a problem, to start the game you have to start the core, load windows and load the disc, every time.

The best is to create zip, load that zip from “Load Content” and select the core, just as you do with a console.

If you are using an ISO and you get an error, it could be that the image is corrupted, or the registry was damaged from installing several times, or, if you are installing by loading the game from Disc Control, it could be that it does not recognize the same address to the CD, games in the past were very sensitive to addresses.

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Video here shows what is Happening @alexb3d for me

Create a Zip from what?

You are loading the CUE directly, that may be the problem. As explained here.

Store modifications in separate save files

Changes made to a loaded ZIP file will be stored as a separate ZIP file into the libretro saves directory. If a game is loaded directly without using a ZIP file, the saves directory is not used.

The games must be compressed in a zip file, as I show you in the image, no matter if it is ISO or CUE, I recommend you to put the expansions and any other necessary thing in that zip file.


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Got that but how do I use the .ISO Files when in Dosbox Pure as just see the .ISO file and not the Actual Files to play the game

This ZIP is to load the game from Load Content and then select the Core, as if it were any rom.

When Windows starts, the system recognizes the disc images and loads them automatically in the CD drive (or the Floppy in A). You do the installation in D, and also here you can change them from the Disc Control menu, because they are preloaded.


Read the document, it explains in more detail how it works.

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Here is me Trying with the .ZIP with .ISO file in it.

Video showing what I did:

I Installed Alpha Centarui on but Crashes when I try and enter a Game on windows 98 - Do you have a Fix for it @alexb3d?

I got it working in a Different Way.

When I load up the .zip File it has the CD Images and then I used Deamon to use Vitrual CD-Rom and turned on the Copy Protection Emulation and it worked for me

You are making it more complicated than necessary, the idea of Pure is to keep it simple and use your original games.

In the video:

If it starts it is because it is installed, obviously, but it is not in D.

The Zip that you are booting is asking you for the core, that means that it is not the same with which you installed the game, that’s why it gives you error.
From the first message I am telling you that the addresses were very delicate, it is Windows 98 and the first games on CD-ROM, not windows 11.

You can use it as you want, but I recommend you to do things right, because all games will give you the same problem, when it can be as simple as starting a Nintendo game.

Alpha Centarui does not work, it has an audio compatibility problem.

I get it but at the Moment that is the only way it Works for me.

How do I know which one I should use to load the Game Up to have it work?

Okay Thanks - Hopefully gets Fixed Soon

What do I know? :laughing: You are the one who made a mix of images and zips…

What I recommend is to delete the installation in windows or better yet use a new windows and delete all the files created by the core in the ‘save’ folder.

Images are always best Redump, some ISOs may be corrupted. If it is multi bin, change it to single bin.

Each game has its particularities, and that is a problem of the time, not of the emulator, so, have a windows for installation tests and one for final use, in which you are going to have your library.

When you start the core, and select Windows, you have the option “-><- Set Auto Start” that serves for, that very thing.

When starting the installation of aoe2, in the configuration window you can select “Browser” to change the disk.
Here I got an error that only happened to me with this game. Normally, I change the C: to a D:, but this game gives me an error in installation. So, what I do is to put something simpler. “D:\aoe2”
image image

Finish the installation and reboot, this should work normally.

You don’t have to load the file from the hard disk every time, the history should be listed for you.

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How many CD’s does AOE 2?

What ReDump Pack have AOE 2 for PC in it?

It has only one CD.

I can’t tell you that Redump pack has it, it is not allowed.
I recommend you redump because it is a verified disc ripping system, that is, it has no errors. You can tell because the name is like “Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings (USA).zip”.
ISO and other images can be corrupted or altered and that gives error.

Can’t even say the Name of it? I am not asking for a Link or Anything

You can tell because the name is like “Age of Empires II - The Age of Kings (USA).zip”. ISO and other images can be corrupted or altered and that gives error.

Did find them and Tried that 1 and did not work BUT I also got the OEM version and that worked fine

You can’t share piracy, but, the name I told you. :sweat_smile:

I’m glad it’s working for you, you know how it’s done, now it’s your turn to test.

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