ParaLLEL is also abandoned so it doesn’t change anything really. Also, ParaLLEL itself isn’t that special either, it had potential but it’s current state doesn’t give as good results as m64p. It’s mostly Angrylion that does all the good job but it’s still very demanding in some games, even if you have the fastest CPU available now. Try Killer Instinct. Or Vigilante 8.
Parallel’s own “parallel” plugin is not as good as either Angrylion or GlideN64.
Right now, the most compatible option with a decent speed is m64p. It even beats ParaLLEL+Angrylion, i mean, try to load NFL Quarterback Club 98, it won’t even load there but on m64p it works flawlessly. I still haven’t found a game that doesn’t load there and i tested around 180 so far.
RetroArch also adds it’s own goodies like input lag reduction options and shaders. All that stuff creates more overhead so a faster emulator will allow you to use them.