Updating for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus?

In anticipation of running RetroArch on my incoming iPhone 6 Plus, I started to build the latest RetroArch on my iMac.

I couldn’t get some cores to compile under Xcode 6 (bsnes, mame, mupen64 among some) but others did compile and I got as far as running RetroArch on the simulator:


I don’t know any of the underlying RetroArch code at all, but I’m assuming something needs to be fixed with rendering in an open gl view. I’m guessing the screen sizes are hardcoded in somewhere (?) and the 6 or 6 Plus isn’t supported?

Also, the input overlays aren’t rendering for some reason.

I’d love to be able to get some pointers on what to fix so i can contribute?


The screen sizes shouldn’t be hardcoded. It just scales up to fit.

The latest bsnes, for one, is weird and depends on gcc-specific stuff, so it’s not going to compile with clang. However, you should be able to compile the c++98 version without any trouble. It’s a little older (v086, maybe…?) but it’s still quite good. Dunno about the others without seeing the errors.

Oh ok - yeah I was able to get the c++98 version to compile (i think).

Here’s the error for mupen64:

clang++ -arch armv7 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS8.0.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 -O2 -DNDEBUG  -D__LIBRETRO__ -DINLINE="inline" -DM64P_PLUGIN_API -DM64P_CORE_PROTOTYPES -D_ENDUSER_RELEASE -DSDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_ES2=1 -DSINC_LOWER_QUALITY  -Imupen64plus-core/src -Imupen64plus-core/src/api -Igles2glide64/src/Glitch64/inc -Ilibretro/libco -Ilibretro -DIOS -marm -mllvm arm-reserve-r9 -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 -DIOS -DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN -fPIC -DIOS -marm -mllvm arm-reserve-r9 -miphoneos-version-min=5.0 -DIOS -DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN  -DGLES -DHAVE_OPENGLES2 -DDISABLE_3POINT  -DDYNAREC -DNEW_DYNAREC=3 -c gles2rice/src/DecodedMux.cpp -o gles2rice/src/DecodedMux.o
clang (LLVM option parsing): Unknown command line argument 'clang (LLVM option parsing): Unknown command line argument 'arm-reserve-r9'.  Try: 'clang (LLVM option parsing) -help'

Looks like some compiler flags are duplicated?

You could try removing that option–arm-reserve-r9–from the makefile and see if that helps.

could you share?

i have iphone 6 plus,its awseome

Real screenshot of existing RetroArch running on iPhone 6 Plus:


The buttons appear to be press-able on the outer edges but the rendered view only goes so far.

Haven’t tried the latest master of RetroArch but that appears to be broken…

Can’t you just go to:

RETROARCH GUI > Settings > Video Options > Aspect Ratio CUSTOM -------------------------------------------------------------- > Custom Ratio

Set Upper-Left Corner (0, 0 : 1920)

Set Bottom-Right Corner (0, 0 : 1080)

= (0, 0 : 1920x 1080)

My iPhone 4S is 960x 640.

What are you referring to with ‘RETROARCH GUI’?

There’s only access to the Core and Frontend via the menus that are in the current version available in the Cydia repo. I haven’t located any options other than the fixed aspect ratio or resolution options and it just makes the screen go black or the size of the video from the game much, much smaller.

I think you might be referring to an earlier version of the app.

EDIT: Also, why is OP using portrait mode? Landscape’s equally weird to look at on the 6+, but wouldn’t that be the ‘default’ way you’d want to play these games?

Mine looks and functions exactly like this on both the version in the default Cyida repos and the version available on the Libretro repo.

My specs: iPhone 6, iOS 8.1 Pangu jailbreak

I installed RetroArch from the official repo via Cydia and didn’t encounter any screen display issues. The app runs in iPhone 5 mode (larger UI, not optimised for iPhone 6/6 Plus resolution), however the overlay controls seem to work fine and cover the entire screen space. I used ForceGoodFit to make the UI display at full iPhone 6 resolution, if that’s any help to anyone with UI problems.

Like the resolution settings provided above, ForceGoodFit doesn’t make the video for the game fit the entire screen on the iPhone 6 Plus. It only fits in the bottom left at the size of an iPhone 5’s screen.

Getting the same thing using from the Cydia repo. Not sure what to try.

Just wait for the next version

What are you referring to with ‘RETROARCH GUI’?

There’s only access to the Core and Frontend via the menus that are in the current version available in the Cydia repo. I haven’t located any options other than the fixed aspect ratio or resolution options and it just makes the screen go black or the size of the video from the game much, much smaller.

I think you might be referring to an earlier version of the app.

EDIT: Also, why is OP using portrait mode? Landscape’s equally weird to look at on the 6+, but wouldn’t that be the ‘default’ way you’d want to play these games?[/quote]

Excuse my extreeemy late reply. I use and I’m refering to this GUI http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/attac … 1411671426