Updating Retroarch?

Do I have to do it manually? For whatever reason I accidentally got 1.3.2 and was hoping to not have to reconfigure everything. I updated everything via the updater, but it still says 1.3.2

If you’re on Windows, just go to buildbot.libretro.com/nightly and navigate to your OS/arch and then get the most recent date-stamped release (should be small, like 2 MB). Take the retroarch.exe and retroarch_debug.exe out of that archive and overwrite the ones in your 1.3.2 folder. Everything else can be updated through the updater.

Conversely, you could download the 1.3.4 release bundle and move your *.cfg files over from the old install.

They really need to not include retroarch.cfg in the zip files. If the config file is missing, RetroArch will create one from the defaults. If you do, it overwrites your config if you unzip it into your existing directory.

Okay, thanks guys.