Updating to the newest build on Windows 10 and Super Game Boy help

I just heard that version 1.5.0 of RetroArch was recently released, and am eager to update from v1.4.1. However, I’m not exactly sure how to do that. Is there an option in RGUI that allows me to update, do I have to input a certain series of command lines (something that I also don’t know how to do), or do I have to download the new build from scratch and delete the old one? For reference, I currently have the Nightly build installed.

Go to buildbot.libretro.com and either download the latest date-stamped nightly or the “stable” release that you want, open the archive and replace the *.exe files in your current RetroArch folder with the newer ones (make backups of the old ones, just in case).

If it complains about missing libraries (this is more common when updating from very old versions), download the “redist” package from the buildbot and copy all of those dll libraries into your RetroArch folder, overwriting any conflicts.

What are the differences between the stable build and the nightly one? I’ve heard that the nightly builds for previous versions lack Super Game Boy 2 support, but has several other benefits over the stable builds; I’m not sure if the same thing applies to version 1.5.0 due to how recent it is.

I kinda want to go for the stable build because I’m interested in trying out Super Game Boy emulation (despite knowing nothing about how to use command lines, which are the only way to get SGB mode running apparently) and would ideally like to take advantage of the SGB 2’s more accurate clock speed, but I’m not sure if it’d be worth sacrificing any of the benefits that the nightly build might have. Which would you recommend?

What are the differences between the stable build and the nightly one? I’ve heard that the nightly builds for previous versions lack Super Game Boy 2 support, but has several other benefits over the stable builds; I’m not sure if the same thing applies to version 1.5.0 due to how recent it is.

I kinda want to go for the stable build because I’m interested in trying out Super Game Boy emulation (despite knowing nothing about how to use command lines, which are the only way to get SGB mode running apparently) and would ideally like to take advantage of the SGB 2’s more accurate clock speed, but I’m not sure if it’d be worth sacrificing any of the benefits that the nightly build might have. Which would you recommend?

(reposted because I hit the wrong “reply” button)

AFAIK, there’s no difference between nightlies and stable as far as SGB is concerned, unless someone has removed subsystem support in the nightlies at some point. Otherwise, it’s all a matter of the core, and only the bsnes-based cores support it, and only on Windows at that.

Alright, I’ve downloaded and inserted the new .exe files from the stable build and everything appears to be in working order; I’ve also made backups of the 1.4.1 files to a flashdrive as recommended. Thanks for the help!

(now if only I could figure out how to use command lines so I could get SGB mode to work…)

It’s not too tough. Open your RetroArch directory and hold shift and right-click in the window. Choose “open command window here”.

From there, type: retroarch.exe -L cores\bsnes-balanced_libretro.dll C:\path\to\sgb-rom.sfc --subsystem sgb C:\path\to\gb-rom.gb

Do the ROMS for the Game Boy/Game Boy Color games have to be uncompressed? I’d assume that they would, but it’s always good to double-check.

I’m pretty new to RetroArch, so forgive me if some of the things I ask come off as clueless.

Okay, I’m getting an error that states that the file could not be loaded from the playlist, and when I try to load the SGB and SGB 2 ROMs from RGUI, I’m getting an error that states that the files could not be played (similar errors exist for Famicom Disk System ROMs and, oddly, Super Mario Kart). I’ve uncompressed a GB ROM for testing purposes, but for some reason the latter won’t load properly.

UPDATE: I’ve moved the SGB boot ROM from the folder it originally came in after uncompression to just the “systems” folder and it works just fine. The only issue is that Game Boy games won’t load.

UPDATE 2: I’ve re-scanned the folder where I store my Game Boy ROMS and re-inserted the proper boot command for playing GB games in SGB mode for the uncompressed ROM, but for some reason it only seems to boot up in regular Game Boy mode.

Well I’ve managed to fix the issues I had with FDS ROMs and Super Mario Kart, but Super Game Boy is still an issue for me. I know I have to open a command window in my RetroArch directory, and I assume that the directory is the folder where I have all the assets for RetroArch stored (including the .exe files for RetroArch and RetroArch Debug), but when I type in the command line as instructed and hit “enter”, the only thing that happens is that a prompt for a new command line pops up below the previous one, which is why I was under the impression that I then had to load it from the GUI.

Hmm, maybe the path to the core isn’t exactly right. You’re kinda on your own there, though. Just do the full path to the core you want to use, if that’s easier.

Alright, I’ve followed your suggestion and managed to get the program to start, but the game itself won’t load. I have gotten an error that reads:

RetroArch [INFO] :: Average audio buffer saturation: 72.31 %, standard deviation (percentage points): 18.92 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Amount of time spent close to underrun: 3.12 %. Close to blocking: 47.82 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.

Shader logs are also bringing up the phrase #version directive missing and

RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no game-specific remap found at C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop\RetroArch\config\remaps\bsnes\Super Game Boy 2 (Japan).rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no core-specific remap found at C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop\RetroArch\config\remaps\bsnes\bsnes.rmp.

appeared a ways earlier.

Those issues are unrelated, unfortunately. Can you pastebin a full log?

Alright, I’ve made one here. Once again, I’ve replaced all instances of my laptop username with [username] for privacy purposes, as the former contains my real name.

To clarify what the error I’m getting is, RetroArch does boot up, but I only get a black screen with the overlay I have activated, and the game doesn’t start.

The log looks okay AFAICT, so start stripping away things until we find the issue.

First, go turn off the overlay and see if that changes the black screen thing. And by “game doesn’t start” you’re referring to the gameboy game via sgb, right? Other games work without the subsystem?

Turning off the overlay didn’t work, and other games do seem to work regularly through GUI. I’ve tried booting up both SGB and SGB 2 through GUI just to see if something’s wrong with the way they’re being loaded, and found that while the SGB 1 ROM boots up with the normal error screen, SGB 2 just brings up the same black screen; both ROMs boot up with the black screen issue if I try to load up a Game Boy game on them through command lines, regardless of whether or not the overlay is turned on. I also have the required boot ROM for SGB in the system directory as well, so that’s not the issue either.

Okay, after two days I’ve made a pretty good breakthrough. I’ve finally managed to get the Super Game Boy 1 ROM to work with Game Boy games simply by entering the proper command line without the --verbose at the end. However, SGB 2 still won’t boot up properly with or without said --verbose, which is kinda irritating considering how its clock speed is supposed to be a 1:1 match with the regular Game Boy’s. I guess the slightly faster speed with SGB 1 isn’t too big of a problem (especially since the music isn’t being pitched up by it), but either way it’d be good to figure out how I can get SGB 2 running, if only for the principle of the thing.