I wanted to update my RetroArch installation and found a cool video on YouTube that explains the process here:
Based on this video I created a PowerShell script for anyone looking to automate this process:
Please feel free to look at it and try it. I have only tested it on two of my machines but should help to take some of the pain out of the upgrade process. If this is helpful and enough people test it maybe the admins can make this a sticky. Don’t judge me on my code, I made this fairly quick and have not cleaned it up much.
Thanks for RetroArch and hope this helps. Look forward to your feedback.
- Copy text from pastebin and put it in a text file and save the file with a .ps1 extension.
- Copy powershell script to a folder close to where your retroarch folder is located (I use the parent folder to retroarch)
- Open PowerShell command prompt and navigate to where the folder is located
- Execute the powershell script (Example: ps c:\arcade> .\retroarchupdate.ps1)
The Script takes two arguments “RetroArch Path” “Updated RetroArch zip file”
Example : .\retroarchupdate.ps1 c:\arcade\retroarch retroarch.7z
These arguments can be hard-coded into the script in the param block to make life easier, just put them between the single quotes.