USB Adapter Woes

I have multipleMayFlash USB adapters to use with original controllers. I noticed that theSNES, N64, and Dreamcast adapters all use the name “USB Gamepad” andhave the same product and vendor IDs. I’m assuming this will cause someconfusion with RetroArch. The Saturn adapter is also called “USBGamepad” and has the same vendor ID, but it has a different product ID. I’m not sure if that will be aproblem.

Is there any way touse all of these adapters in RetroArch and not buy new adapters from adifferent company? I don’t need to use the controllers in the GUI. I useLaunchBox to launch the games and I have a mini keyboard if I need to navigatethe RetroArch menus. If I were to make separate configurations for each corewould RetroArch be able to tell the difference between the adapters since theyhave the same information?

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Yes, since you’re using a launcher, you can use separate configs with the different mappings hardcoded and turn off autoconfiguration entirely.

Thanks. That’s good to hear. What would be the best way to go about doing that? Or if you could point me in the direction of a guide that would be great. I’m only familiar with the process of creating autoconfigurations.

I believe you would just plug up your adapter+pad, bind your buttons and then ‘save new config’. rinse and repeat.

Got it. Thanks again.