V-sync problem

Hi, i connected a crt pal tv as a 2 monitor; whe i run ra on it, on output menu https://www.dropbox.com/s/hfbe5h2nyhnbn4t/2021-02-20%2017.09.20.jpg?raw=1 i can see a detected refresh rate of 60hz (59 and so) but I’m sure that my v-refrsh rate is 50hz, as you can see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wptd4xayrdqxzwc/2021-02-16%2019.01.08.mp4?dl=0 So where i wrong? Xrandr also tells me that is 50hz Istantanea_2021-02-20_17-06-01

It seems that Retroarch read v-refresh rate from my primary LCD monitor but it run on secondary…

RetroArch will typically sync to the primary monitor.