V1.1 release date

I remember reading a while ago that it was planned to give users the option to suppress the command prompt running in the background. Any idea if that will be included in the 1.1 release?

if you add -d (or is -D…?) to your launch command in Windows, it should stay quiet.

Another alternative is to create a shortcut and make it run minimized, that way you still get the console but it’s hidden until you need it

Just wondering if there is any news on the v1.1 stable release? It’s been 3 months since the last blog post saying the release would be Christmas and there haven’t been any tweets either.

I know it will be released when it’s ready, in that case it might be best not to put those dates out there.

versions are meaningless now… 1.1 will be outdated a day after release (well maybe a week)

[QUOTE=Radius;19403]versions are meaningless now… 1.1 will be outdated a day after release (well maybe a week)[/QUOTE]

You could make that argument fit pretty much any software. Surely the idea of a release is that it’s bug-fixed and as clean and functional as it can with the end-user in mind?

Just go for the nightly builds. They’re quite functional.

How to install the nightly builds on Iphone JB? I download the .zip file, and can’t intall on my iphone

The Wii nightly builds don’t even seem to exist save for a download from Mega for the 20141126 nightly

Of course, we haven’t added Wii nightlies

Doh! Yeah, I guess I just assumed nightlies were available for most or all of the platforms. I’m running the Windows x64 nightly builds myself.

I’ve been keeping quiet on my feelings on v1.1 for awhile now. However, now that it’s been a year since v1.0.0.2 has been released with a future stable release now seeming about as likely as The Last Guardian coming out, I feel I should say something about it.

[QUOTE=Radius;19403]versions are meaningless now… 1.1 will be outdated a day after release (well maybe a week)[/QUOTE]

I can understand wanting to embrace a constant, nightly update system. This works for various projects out there, and it seems fitting for the Libretro project as a whole (to me, at least). However, you guys cannot just ignore those looking for a stable release. You have both promised and hyped up a v1.1 release over the course of several front page news posts. There’s also been promises of release dates that have slipped by. First the end of September (or early October), then by the end of last year. Now there’s nothing available to know when a stable release is coming. There are many people following the project with the pretense that a new stable release of RetroArch is coming. And there’s quite a subset amongst those people who are not following the nightly updates because they’re looking for a stable version with which they can count on to (most likely) not run into issues. I can only speak for myself, but it wouldn’t shock me if there was a loss of goodwill over the increasing radio silence on this future version. (I didn’t mean that you’re losing my goodwill. You’re not.)

I truly admire Libretro and the goal of the project. It’s an incredibly ambitious one that I hope becomes the centerpiece for emulation. If you don’t want to focus on releasing stable releases anymore, fine. However, you all still owe it to those who have been promised a new version such a release. At this point, I personally think any new release should just be called RetroArch v2.0 with how many changes have been added since v1.0.0.2… Just please make some sort of definitive statement on the stable release front that isn’t just hype/promise. Even if it’s a front page post stating that neither v1.1 nor any stable release is coming anymore, that’s fine. Just please let people know what’s going on on that front.

Hold on. How long has the displayed version of the nightlies read v1.1? I admit, I haven’t updated RetroArch in a while until just today, so that’s kind of a surprise.

My point still stands, though. I personally feel some sort of statement should be made sooner rather than later on the matter. I know that some projects just have a news update when the program update is release. However, given the articles posted about v1.1 long in advance, I think some sort of news article with some absolute statements on the matter should be made sometime before a new stable version goes live.

Also, pardon me for my attitude in the previous post, particularly the comparison to The Last Guardian. I know that the LIbretro project has had constant updates every day. I think I’m just fearing that ambitions and goals might keep growing to a point to where it becomes impossible to put your foot down somewhere and say “that’s enough for now.”

We can do statements and be community managers and do some PR… Or we can keep working till it’s done.

Why not have a separate person do those PR statements, then? That’s why most organized groups have those distinct positions.

Is not like this is a company dude. Do you realize that Retroarch is 100% free and clear of money donations?

[QUOTE=pralima87;20868]Is not like this is a company dude. Do you realize that Retroarch is 100% free and clear of money donations?[/QUOTE] Yes, of course. I’m not saying that such a position would be one looked out for, either. It’d be a position that one would volunteer for by their own freewill.

Then again, it does come off as off-topic. I’m just in the boat that any statement on the matter, no matter how short, would suffice. Even if it’s the length of a Tweet, that would work.

“Dude” he is entitled to be FREE with his opinion too, as long as he isn’t offensive. You think the forum is only for positive feedback?

[QUOTE=pralima87;20868]Is not like this is a company dude. Do you realize that Retroarch is 100% free and clear of money donations?[/QUOTE]

“Dude” he is entitled to be FREE with his opinion too, as long as he isn’t offensive. You think the forum is only for positive feedback?

When did Dolphin & MESS cores get added? I noticed it in today’s build win builds.