Various questions & problems

I’ve noticed that RetroArch:

  • Doesn’t seem to properly recognize the buttons on my Logitech F310 gamepad (X and Y are reversed when setting up bindings for example). Gamepad is set to Xinput mode and RetroArch is configured to XInput, I tried SDL2 and DInput for the option above that setting.
  • L1 & R1 shoulder buttons seem to scroll through the RetroArch menu at a variable inconsistent rate. Sometimes one menu option with each press, sometimes 2 or more menu options per press.
  • The B button is listed above the DPad buttons when defining button bindings while the other face buttons are listed below the DPad buttons.
  • Can’t seemingly disable graphical filters once one has been applied. There is no None option yet the program defaults to such a setting I believe…


  1. Does RetroArch feature a fullscreen exclusive display mode for all emulators supported by the program?
  2. How long does it typically take for a Core to be integrated in to RetroArch when a new version is released by its developer (Like mGBA for example)?
  3. Is there any issues with the Threaded video rendering mode?
  4. Is it possible to have the emulator replace every other frame instead of reducing the frame rate to 30 when using Insert Blank Frames? So it’d be like frame skipping but instead of skipping a frame it’s replacing every other one with a blank image while emulation continues at full speed?
  5. How is BSNES Mercury different to the other BSNES cores for SNES?

[QUOTE=Nicholas Steel;27614]

  1. Does RetroArch feature a fullscreen exclusive display mode for all emulators supported by the program?
  2. How long does it typically take for a Core to be integrated in to RetroArch when a new version is released by its developer (Like mGBA for example)?
  3. Is there any issues with the Threaded video rendering mode?
  4. Is it possible to have the emulator replace every other frame instead of reducing the frame rate to 30 when using Insert Blank Frames? So it’d be like frame skipping but instead of skipping a frame it’s replacing every other one with a blank image while emulation continues at full speed?
  5. How is BSNES Mercury different to the other BSNES cores for SNES?[/QUOTE]

1)Yes, unless there’s an obscure case I’m not aware of. 2)Depends on how much work is involved, but it’s usually not that long. mGBA has upstream support so a libretro core can be compiled as soon as a new commit has been made. 3)Not sure about that. 4)Not sure about that either 5) TL;DR: It’s faster, supports SuperFX overclocking and optionally supports HLE emulation for most enhancement chips.

3.) The video is choppy, but it’s the only way to get playable a/v on some devices 4.) BFI is designed for eliminating sample-and-hold motion blur on high-refresh-rate displays. It’s not usable as frameskip because it still emulates all the frames so you’re not actually gaining anything by showing a black screen.

I understand that, I just feel it’d be interesting to experiment with a mode that blanks every other frame instead of inserting blank frames between source frames.

Another 2 questions: What is GPU Hard Vsync? How does it differ to the other Vsync method? I believe the mGBA core is currently derived from v0.2.0. My previous question on this topic was more aimed at understanding how long it’d roughly take to implement a version derived from version 0.3.0.

Thanks for the answers you 2. Fullscreen Exclusive Display Mode is awesome, thanks for adding it to as many emulators as possible HunterK (And whoever else is responsible)

There’s a shader in the ‘misc’ folder called “” that will blank every other frame. SEIZURE WARNING: not suitable for people with epilepsy.

GPU hard sync make the system wait as long as possible before vsync to emulate a frame. This ensures that your input is as fresh as possible when the frame is emulated and displayed, thus lowering latency. It’s similar to the ‘frame delay’ setting except that it’s automatic instead of needing tweaking per-game. The drawback is that it greatly increases the CPU load.

for mgba, since the libretro stuff is upstream, you can go to endrift’s github repo and compile his latest code and it will be up to date. I think our builds come from our repo, which is just a snapshot of his repo from a short time ago.

I assumed you used a tweaked mGBA because when selecting the core it says “mGBA 20BBF” along the bottom edge of the screen. I’m not really keen on compiling stuff myself.

That’s just the commit number

Is it possible to change how the Desmume Core outputs audio (Enable the Sync Method “z”)? Since I can’t accomplish perfect 60FPS in Chrono Trigger there’s a constant slight audio crackle with the default Dual Synch mode.