Vertical black bars in 4:3 mode (snes9x, bsnes)

Why is there a vertical black bar at the bottom of the screen when I put snes9x in fullscreen at 4:3? I have a 1080p monitor running at native resolution and I don’t have this problem with Nestopia or any of the NES emulators, but it’s a problem with both bsnes and snes9x.

You must have Integer Scale ON in video options.

edit: …or not. Just tested it and it’s true there is a black bar on bottom which doesn’t appear with Snes9x next. It wasn’t there when I launch a game for the first time, it’s here after using the same cfg I use for snes9x_next (I use per core config). Not sure where it comes from.

Is crop overscan turned on? For bsnes, at least, the standard 224 vert res is padded with black up to the full 240 frame. Crop overscan gets rid of it, but it also monkeys with the aspect ratio.

Indeed, crop overscan gets rid of the black bar. I took a screenshot of super ghouls’n’ghost with snes9x crop ON and one with snes9x next crop OFF: they show the same area full screen.

edit: the crop ON option with snes9x does some strange stuff though. Just saw a menu cut out of the screen (Nigel Mansel F1 challenge).

Yeah, cores handle crop overscan each in their own way, and it’s inconsistent. There’s a better method in the works that will have a mednafen-esque “first scanline / last scanline” option for custom cropping.

Turning on crop overscan solved the problem with snes9x, thanks!