Virtual Overlay will not re-appear

like the title, my overlay is gone. I don’t know if it is because I use a MFi controller or what, but I need the on screen overlay so I can use t select button. actually is there a way to only show the select button on screen?

side note I’m on 8.3, should I use the pcsx rearmed or the interpreter version?

Try the dynarec first and if it doesn’t work, try the interpreter as a fallback.

For the overlay, in your settings > onscreen overlay menu, does it say the overlay is enabled?

I deleted and reinstalled RA to get the overlay to come back , but yes it said it was enabled, I tried different overlays and none worked

ps I copied your start and select button overlays from another thread, so thank you for that

The problem with this when you tap on key board icon on virtual Overlay. there are two solutions for this. the first one to choose any overlay other than retropad that does’t come with keyboard icon. Or you choose retropad twice one for Overlay preset and second one for Keyboard Overlay Preset. To do this, first Go to setting gear icon, Onscreen Overlay>Overlay Preset>gamepads>retropad>retread.cfg Onscreen Overlay>Keyboard Overlay Preset>gamepads>retropad>retropad.cfg on same page enable Display Keyboard Overlay. if you tap on keyboard icon will display and second virtual overlay will appear. If you tap it again overlay will disappear. To appear it again just tap on the top middle of the screen then tap switch will be back to the game with virtual overlay.

I had that issue recently, though reinstalling didn’t work because it didn’t delete the retroarch.cfg to start from scratch. I deleted that cfg file so my settings would be reset, and the overlays started working again.