New nvidia drivers came out that only gives a black screen when full screen. Sound still works and you can hear the game running fine but you only see a black screen.
“mplemented improvement in full-screen Vulkan applic ations for 32-bit Windows swapchains. This optimization will cause more events t hat trigger an out-of-date swapchain, such as when entering or leavin g full-screen mode (typica lly by pressing Alt+tab). Applications that do not properly re spond to the VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR return code may not function properly when these events occur. See the WSI Swapchain section of the Vulkan specification”
I’m guessing that has something to do with it.
EDIT: This is now fixed as of the latest retroarch nightly. Just want to make sure if people find this thread they know it’s fixed now.